Wow, this one took a long time for me to read lol! Mostly for my reading slump in June.
Overall, I found this series to be way more engaging than TMI. I just couldn't get behind the characters in that series. But I think the mainstay for The Infernal Devices is definitely the main characters. Will, Tessa, Jem, and their relationship with eachother is by and far the most captivating part of this story. I agree with others who say that their love triangle is probably one of the best in YA. I mostly enjoyed the end of the story, although some of how it happened confused me.
However, I do think this book and series for me is bogged down by a lot. The plot kind of just doesn't hold interest for me. I think the world development is just somewhat flimsy (maybe this is better read after TMI). The side characters range from somewhat interesting with wasted potential (Jessamine, Gideon and Gabriel) to almost wholly unnecessary (Cecily, Nate). I just feel as if some of these characters had interesting beginnings whose plot threads were dropped in the middle of the book.
Additionally, this story does somewhat suffer from the typical YA tropes of everyone pairing off and of course having children. I can't fault it solely, as many books do this, but I don't think it pulls it off like others as the side pairings are just not really explored to an extent that I was rooting for them.
I don't mean for this review to be negative. I did overall enjoy the series and book. It certainly had moments that made me laugh and cry, and I don't regret reading it!
I don't have too many thoughts - I feel as if the world building may be more enjoyable to some, I find it ok but maybe not my favorite part. The characters (especially the mains) and their actions are what keep me reading.
I am a little disappointed in how Jessamine's story was in this book. I found it a little unbelievable that she would turn so quickly on her group, even if she wasn't completely happy there. However, I really liked the development of Tessa, Will, and Jem's relationship. People had told me before that this is one of the best handled love triangles out there and they weren't wrong! I was definitely moved at Will and Tessa's big scene in this book. I will say the other characters are very hit and miss with development.
The cliffhanger also had me intrigued!
I am curious to read the final book and see how the story ends.
I’m not typically one for contemporary romance, but many people had suggested to me to read Emily Henry, as her character writing was typically well done. After finishing this book, I found myself really enjoying it.
I think both January and Gus seem like very interesting protagonists, and their development together was very engaging and emotional. Often romance books banter makes me cringe, but I really liked their dynamic, it felt very Luke and Lorelai (any GG fans reading this?). Additionally, I liked the side characters, and would have liked to see more of Shadi and even Naomi (for the drama I guess!)
I also loved January’s struggle with the reality of her parents’ relationship. You don’t necessarily have to agree with what happens, and I liked that Sonya and January didn’t have a big reunion or even forgiveness. It felt very realistic to me.
Emily Henry is a very self aware writer, and although the book has a couple of those cliches, the story didn’t suffer in my opinion. I felt anxiety and trauma dealt with fairly well.
This is my first Emily Henry book, and I would totally be open to reading more!
WOW. This book really upped the ante from the first. I feel every aspect was done with care: the story, the worldbuilding, and the characters.
By far my favorite part of the book was Bree's growth with her magic and her character. The magic system in this is really inventive and interesting. As the main character is a WOC, the struggles she goes through specifically are so impactful and emotional. The scene when she is confronted by the Regents about their true plan truly brought me to tears. I was rooting for Bree everytime she spoke her mind!
Additionally, the small complaint I had in this book about some characters not getting development got remedied; by focusing on fewer characters, we got to know the select few much more. I ADORE Alice and am literally waiting on the edge of my seat after her story ended. Nicholas, despite not being in it much, has a little character development, and of course, the relationship between Selwyn and Bree is very interesting and nuanced! Because the characters got more screentime and we follow Bree's journey with her title and magic, the ending of this book was so thrilling and beautiful.
If I had any complaints, I will say it was sometimes hard to follow the world building with Arthur's memories, and the beginning of the story is a little slow-paced. But by the middle of the book I was very invested. I can't wait until Tracy Deonn drops the next book! I'm waiting patiently.
I tried reading TMI back in the day, and it just never really grabbed me as a reader. However, I always had people telling me to try The Infernal Devices and I am so glad they did! I can't believe these books have existed for so long and I never read them.
The setting of Victorian London is very interesting to me as a history nerd, and I overall found these characters, especially Jem, Will, and Jessamine, to be very compelling. I admit Tessa was not my favorite at the beginning, but I really grew to appreciate her at the end (the fight at the end had my jaw on the floor!)
Although overall I enjoyed the setting/atmosphere, I do have a couple issues with this book. Mostly the plot had me compelled, although the pacing was a bit odd. The story does drag in places, mostly due to the first book doing much of the world building. As stated above, I didn't read TMI, so some things that might have come naturally to readers were new info to me. Additionally, some of the story beats did come back predictable to me, and some characters felt like a plot device and tropey more than a nuanced development.
Overall, I really enjoyed this story though! The jokes genuinely made me laugh, there were some beautiful prose in there, and I look forward to reading the next book!