I should have quit while I was ahead on this one. I wanted to like this based on the premise, but I didn’t like the writing and found the characters quite unlikable. They just felt flat and their actions didn’t make much sense to me. I was also hoping for more from the ending. I was hoping Olive would find happiness for herself but it seemed to be tied to finding a man - who has kids..
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Wow, this was so, so good. Really impressed with how the author was able to keep all the different perspectives distinct and authentic, especially considering so many characters were children and multiple cultures were represented. As someone in the nonprofit sector I also appreciated the interactions between Ms Hind and her manager.
So many good essays and insights. I do wish I had read/seen more of the movies, books etc. the author references but she provides enough context to appreciate the commentary regardless.
I had a hard time giving this book a rating so this may change as time goes on. Although I enjoyed the writing style, I was left wanting more to bring it all together it the end.
It's been over a year since I last picked this up so I think it's time to admit that I'm unlikely to ever finish it. It was enjoyable but very slow and meandering (as might be expected from a book told from the perspective of an idle cat). Maybe I'll pick it back up one day.
I have mixed feelings about this book. The story was good and it was interesting to read a book from this perspective and time period. It got me thinking about how quickly things can change and the ripple effects of what happens to one generation. But much of the plot and characters felt simplistic and flat, which makes sense now that I have read a bit more about the author.
Tämä oli suhteellisen lyhyt ja kirjoitustyyli oli enemmän kevyt kuin tieteellinen. Tämä tekee kirjasta helposti lähestyttävän ja sopivan ihmisille jotka ovat valmiita oppimaan mutta eivät ole varmoja mistä aloittaa. Pidin siitä että kirjaan oli tuotu paljon eri ihmisten kokemuksia ja että tässä avattiin enemmän minkälainen tilanne on transihnisille juuri Suomessa tällä hetkellä. Tärkeä teos. Tykkäsin äänikirjana.
I had a hard time rating this book. There isn't really any plot and the characters aren't particularly lovable, but it felt real. The writing style won't be for everyone but in the end I liked it, especially as an audio book. It was like being with someone, listening to them grapple with some tough questions. The theme is important and there were some insightful thoughts about the purpose of life, motherhood, and being a woman of a certain age that aren't often talked about. I found myself going from "why am I even listening to this" to "wow I really needed to hear someone say that, I'm so glad this book exists". I don't know that I'd recommend this to everyone, but I am glad I picked it up.