pinesandpages's reviews
473 reviews

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2023 by Carl Zimmer, Jaime Green

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This collection was much more in the “writing” side of “science and nature writing” compared to the 2022 version.  Not bad, but it was more reflective than 2022, so I didn’t learn as much bc it wasn’t jam packed with fun and new to me stories and experiments and such. 
A Holly Jolly Ever After by Sierra Simone, Julie Murphy

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Wow this was shockingly good. And spicy as hell!!!

At the start of the book I knew it would be fantastic bc the epigraph was “Yes I am Daddy - Graham Simpkins, The Holiday.” A stellar start. 

Great quotes: 
“You’re a sexy narcoleptic flower just waiting to blossom.” 

“If I’d made myself uncomfortable for him, for my parents, for my old agent, then why couldn’t I make myself uncomfortable for /myself/? For something I wanted to do?”