piratesprogress's reviews
13 reviews

Bloom by Kevin Panetta

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If you've read, or watched, queer teen angst stories, you'll know the thrust of Bloom - a charming, funny, dickhead teen is Going Through It emotionally, and finds himself across a coming-of-age year with the help of a broad shouldered, empathetic himbo boyfriend. The family have money troubles. Our protagonist - Ari - doesn't see eye-to-eye with his father, but they love each other really. The friends all sound like teens from the television.

None of which is to say Bloom isn't well-written (it is!), gorgeously illustrated (it is!) or not worth your time (it is!), but to say that it's firmly one of those queer stories - within the first ten or so pages I knew where this story would go, and how it would play out. That in itself can be a comfort, but often for me places a ceiling on what I'll get out of it.
Star Wars: The High Republic - Trail of Shadows by Daniel José Older

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Taking place between the second and third adult novels of the first phase of The High Republic, Trail of Shadows pairs Jedi Master Emerick Caphtor and Private Investigator Sian Holt as the Republic tasks them with unravelling the mystery of the weapon unleashed by the Nihil against the Jedi.

A well-paced noir with all the trappings - shady back-alley deals, smokey piano bars, and femme fatales - this is probably one of the strongest complete stories within The High Republic thus far. The relationship between the two PI's leans into the wider initiatives exploration of the differences between this more liberated Jedi Order and the conservative one of the prequel era, and firmly establishes the threat of The Nameless as this phase ends, and we move into the next.
Shadow of the Sith by Adam Christopher

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Shadow of the Sith is one of the Star Wars canon novels I've most looked forward to getting into - with the difficult task as it does of smoothing the rough edges of set-up hinted at during The Rise of Skywalker. 

Luke Skywalker is haunted by visions of Exegol, the hidden world of the Sith; Lando Calrissian, wracked by the kidnapping of his daughter years prior, is on the trail of a young family hunted by agents of the Sith Eternal. Together, the old friends will come face to face with the vastness of a galaxy which can never be fully known, their place within it, and cross paths with a young girl who will grow up to carry the Jedi Master's legacy into the future.

Christopher acquits himself well with a big task, coralling the disparate pieces of plot from a mess of a film into a pacey thriller that explores Lando's grief and sense of emptiness when the war you were a hero of is over, and the the people who matter most are taken from you; and gives greater depth to Luke's state of mind, and the mistakes he will inevitably make, as the timeline barrels towards conflict with the First Order. While it can never quite iron out the issues with Abrams's ham fisted plot decisions, it's a really decent attempt that gives more flair and flavour to an as yet vague part of the canon.