ploppyfields's reviews
313 reviews

Requiem by Lauren Oliver

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Well... I finished the trilogy and am happy and sad that it is over.
Compulsion by Martina Boone

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A very interesting and enjoyable read.
Frostfire by Amanda Hocking

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I enjoyed this more than any of the books in the Trylle trilogy. Frostfire was written well but not amazing yet still exciting to read.
The characters were not as pronounced in the Trylle but had interesting qualities that I liked.
Bryn was more fun to read from than from Wendy in the Trylle trilogy, I believe. Bryn is more of a focused and determined girl (woman, maybe? I'm not sure what to call her) who doesn't live very freely. Sometimes that seriously annoys me. She believes she can't fall in love because of her career, she is a lower rank so therefore she can not make a change, and since she is a "half blood" (Skojare and Kanin) she is worthless. Bryn just needs to live a little and not be such a workaholic.
Frostfire had a few similarities to the Trylle trilogy but quite different too. It felt like I was constantly comparing this book to the Trylle trilogy, mainly because I was hoping it would be better. I can see some improvement in the writing but the important thing is I enjoyed this book.
I probably would of rated a book like this more of a 3 star rating but I think a reason I bumped this up is because I can visualize the setting. It takes place in Minnesota where is so freakin cold and in the book, there is mentions of the cold. I don't know, I guess I just find it easier to place the setting when I live near it.
So, yeah this book was overall good and I know I didn't get very deep into it but I just wanted to say a few thoughts. Frostfire is a easy and quick read and I definitely recommend (after you have read the Trylle trilogy, of course).
Dragonwings by Laurence Yep

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I would say this was a 3.5, more of. This was a very interesting read and also a FORCED read. I enjoyed still. Dragonwings was definitely one of my favorites that I was assigned. I just think that it was a little to easy for me to read and that the plot was a little confusing. I would recommend this for people of the age of 10 or 11 probably. Age really doesn't matter when it comes to reading but I believe this book would probably be better for that age.
Well now I have to answer the questions for Dragonwings. Stupid assigned books.
Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

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I'm going between a 4 and a 5 star rating but I can't exactly decide. I just went with going up. I'm not sure what to say about this book so I just have the rating.
Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business by Esphyr Slobodkina

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This was one of my favorite books my teacher would read to me in 1st grade.