pnwlibrarian's reviews
228 reviews

The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes

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The story of a man coming to terms with the fact that he might actually be an asshole.
It Chooses You by Miranda July

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I liked this book so much more than I thought I would. I checked it out from the library, but kept putting off reading it because I wanted it to be a collection of short stories (I'd really enjoyed her last book). With a day off work and nothing to do, I wound up reading it in one sitting. Rather than a traditional narrative, the book is part conceptual art project (if you don't like July's work, you'll probably have no interest in this book), and part personal essay. It was more cohesive and linear than I expected--in between visiting people she contacts in the PennySaver, July weaves together her own personal experiences with those of the people she meets. She is honest and thoughtful, and her willingness to attempt a connection (however tenuous) will people from all walks of life is admirable and comes across as genuine.

I'm going to attempt a longer review of this book for work, but wanted to share a nice quote:
"We had to winnow life down so we knew where to put our tenderness and attention; and that was a good, sweet thing. But together or alone, we were still embedded in a kaleidoscope, ruthlessly varied and continuous, until the end of the end."

PS - This book made me cry like a baby.