poisonviolet's reviews
44 reviews

Unwrap Me by Natalia Lourose

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literally just plotless smut. Read this in one night. For what it was, it was pretty good! Would I recommend this to someone? No. Only because then they would know I have read it and I am thoroughly embarrassed enough having this on my good reads account with my like 3 followers.
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

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It was cute, but felt really slow. It kept dragging on and I don't think I could have finished it without the audiobook. The third act breakup made me so mad... Sad that this was my first Emily Henry read as now I am concerned about reading her other books. I will though, eventually.
The Lightkeeper: A Novel by Sherry Shenoda

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Had to read this for a Women and Creativity course where we focused primarily on religion. We were given a large list of books we would read and I (Not a religion girly in anyway) was mortified. BUT this book was not only not terrible, I ended up loving it! WAS LITERALLY CRYING AT THE END… FOR A SCHOOL ASSIGNED BOOK… WHO IS SHE
This Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi

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I swear, if I didn't know who wrote this book when I picked it up, I would have guessed it was Tahereh Mafi (in every single good way). Her writing voice is just *chefs kiss*. Tahereh I love you queen! The characters are so interesting and the ending had my jaw on the ground. I am so excited and nervous to pick up the next book!
Heartstopper Volume 1 by Alice Oseman

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This series is absolutely precious! My little gay heart wishes I had something like this as a teenager. I am VERY late to the game with these but they are quick reads and such a fun ride. I still have yet to watch the series on Netflix but after reading these I am definitely convinced
Sheets by Brenna Thummler

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Its been a hot minute since I’ve read a graphic novel but this one just looked too cute to pass up. If i’m being 100% honest, yes I picked it up because of the adorable ghost on the cover. I am obsessed with ghosts… This was the cutest mix of all the feels. Mellow, adorable and sad in all the best ways! I would have ate this up as a kid the same way I ate it up now
These Infinite Threads by Tahereh Mafi

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  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


Meh. I think this is my lowest-rated Tahereh Mafi book. It takes place over a few days, kind of slow and boring. It kind of just dragged along. I didn't really feel strongly either way about things.
I really liked the first book so I had high hopes going in. I will obviously continue reading the series because Tahereh is incredible! Just not my favorite book of hers.
The Maddie Diaries: A Memoir by Maddie Ziegler

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I got this book as an easter gift one year, I remember I read it from cover to cover that day.
It was all over the place, she is a child who yes, had done a bunch of stuff, but why are you writing a book at that age? It just felt so forced and honestly looking back on it, my heart goes to her because it was probably a contractual thing for her parents to make more money off of her :(
Black Widow: No Restraints Play by

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Natasha destroying terrible men??? Sign me up!
Faking Christmas by Cindy Steel

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I didn’t know what to expect going in, but this was just adorable and the end had me kicking my feet and smiling! I made a goal to myself that I would read at least one holiday book this month and damn I chose a good one. It was cliche and cheesy at times but I ate it all up! Absolutely adorable!