I may pick it back up later, but the many POVs from characters I don't care about and haven't been given a reason to care about is way too much. Maybe I'll try to read it digitally later.
All in all it was a good book, I won't deny that. It was super diverse, tackled systemic oppression and colonialism and cultural erasure in a fantastic way, I don't think I liked the FMC as much as I thought I would but I can also see how her abrasive personality is by design. Idk, I can't and won't say anything bad about it because it is a GREAT book, I think I just may be the problem here.
Not gonna lie, the pop culture references really threw me for a few loops like the actual use of "YEET" repeatedly, and mentioning TikTok, and things of the like. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent retelling of Hades and Persephone / Beauty and the Beast, and it's pretty damn spicy, but it's just not a 4 star read for me.
I was HOOKED. Absolutely addicted. The FMC is sarcastic and snarky and hilarious, the antagonist is believable and better yet, you don't know if the antagonist or protagonist is in the right! You are given both sides so clearly that you can kind of root for both sides.
The tension between Sylvia and Arin is so good and it's so aggressive and "I want to murder you" and I was LIVING FOR IT.