pspude's reviews
147 reviews

We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 86%.
I have been working on this book for exactly a month to date, and I have no ambition to reach for it.  The best word I have to describe this book is...... fine.  I never find myself WANTING to reach for this book, which I was reading on Kindle, and instead reaching for any other physical book that I'm reading at the time.  
The pacing of this book was SLOW.  I was excited to start the book because it offered new lore and tales outside my normal reads.  And while the characters had their redeeming qualities and intrigue, they had nothing to offer me over the plot.  We are on this magical island for nearly 200 pages and nothing progresses and barely any answers are revealed.  Fight scenes are short and sparing.  More questions were raised, but they weren't either didn't grip strong enough, weren't resolved fast enough, or revisited often enough to keep any semblance of my attention.  
At 86% completed, I'm counting this book as done enough to be included in my statistics, which I never do, but finishing would be mentally numbing so I'm making an exception this time.