this book is fantastic. well paced, informative, and filled with love for people of all forms. i highly recommend this book for anyone struggling with their relationship to the environment and especially those who are aspiring restoration ecologists.
Kimmerer is an amazing writer and a fantastic teacher through her words. i read this book very slowly, over almost two months, to soak in the information as well as i could. she has shown me a new side to ecology and challenged me to change how i view our natural world. i cannot recommend this book enough.
this book was a good read, even as a trans/nonbinary queer person. if you can push past the cis centrism (woman = breasts & vagina, man = no breasts & penis, which there is a lot of) and learn from the messaging of the book, i highly recommend it if you are interested in the basics of changing your sex life to be more present and reflective.
the main question i am left with, is how to partake in tantric sex if you are two partners with the same genital parts. i left off some stars for this, because there is zero mention of gay or queer people in the book. i still learned a lot, but it was a bit disheartening to see a lack of inclusive education (and sure, the book was written almost 20 years ago, but gay people still existed far before then)
fabulously laid out argument with references to real world examples of change outside the realm of psychology to show the impact individuals can make in regards to change as a whole.
an exploration into psychoanalysis in comparison to the experiences of a psychoanalyzed trans person who transitioned in adulthood. a plea to the psychoanalyst community to break free of previous confines of their practices to listen to trans people about their persecution and history.
my one critique, which is extremely niche, is that he could have delved further into specific community interactions between psychologists and trans people, the power and violence wielded by psychologists against trans people, and the setbacks that sexologists and previous psycholgists faced in the name of progress. i highly recommend reading into Sandy Stone and Susan Stryker for more on this, who are both mentioned in this book.
although there are some typos within the book, it is still very comedic and flows well. the sex scenes are fun and hot. the text can get pretty meta, so if that's not your thing this book is not for you.
fantastic depiction of a tragic historic event from the perspective of a son of a survivor. highly recommend for those willing to engage with the hard experiences of holocaust survivors.