quietsigns's reviews
176 reviews

Darker Than the Deepest Sea: The Search for Nick Drake by Trevor Dann

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overall a pretty good book especially on the enigma that was nick drake. unequal effort put into different parts of his life but it was entertaining but i would read a sixty year old rancid napkin if it had nick's residue on it, anything for my pookie 
How to Loiter in a Turf War: An Autobiographical Novel by Jessica Hansell (Coco Solid)

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a brilliant and enthralling, super in-touch, well-communicated novel 👍 
Little Weirds by Jenny Slate

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a collection of anecdotes that embody the essence of exploration. little weirds completely delves into the depths of jenny slate's mind, excavating all these components and somehow transcribing them onto paper. this book is so brilliantly recondite, and she manages to place her mind's artefacts in the most beautifully confronting and emotionally cleansing compositions. jenny slate is a polymath.