raissasreads's reviews
249 reviews

The White Rose by Amy Ewing

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I sped through this book on audiobook while multitasking (studying for finals) and that may possibly be the reason that I didn't enjoy it as much as the first, but it was by no means a disappointing sequel.

Violet discovers much more about herself outside the walls of the Jewel and we are set up with all the knowledge needed for the final revolution. We are firmly against the royalty at this point, and rooting for Violet as she takes a stand, beginning to gather the other girls that have been taken as surrogates for the revolt.

Romance was a big part of the first book, but it takes a backseat in this novel, with Ash being a steady character that seems to complain more than do much good at this point. His angst was more attractive in the first book, but we can see more of his story in The White Rose, so we at least understand him better. Love still has a lot to do with this story, in particular with an important scene where Violet discovers herself and it was much more heartwarming to see the love she feels for her friends and family than the love between her and Ash.

So though this book has some more flaws than the first, it is set up wonderfully for an epic finale in The Black Key that I can't wait to read!

The Black Key by Amy Ewing

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I devoured this in one sitting and it is currently 5am, so forgive me if my thoughts aren’t coherent. In simple terms, this was a fantastic ending.

This book was everything I could have dreamed for the ending of the series. The suspense builds in the plot and it left me wanting to flip just a couple more pages to see what would happen next the entire time.

The final day of the Auction was so heart-wrenching for all of the characters that I couldn’t help feeling something for everyone as their dignity was granted back to them and the royals were brought to justice.

This book also gives a very deep message about love and the extents one will go to for it, a recurring theme across the protagonists and antagonists. The message of accepting who you are that rang as Violet led the Paladin with such strength also resonated with me and I loved it.

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

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I'm becoming more immersed in this series with each installment I read, as each book clearly feels like a larger section of one complete story. This book was probably my favorite of the series so far, as we discover so much more of Celaena's inner turmoil as we get her backstory in much more detail and get filled in on more of the fantastical aspects of the world as we explore her Fae powers.

A thing I especially liked about this book was the separate chapters for various characters - Celaena's, Chaol and Aedion's, Dorian and Sorscha's, and Manon's, in particular, was my favorite. It felt much more complete as we caught up with characters in various places and got more pieces of the story through each of their eyes instead of mostly Celaena's, which is what occurred in the previous books.

Rowan's character is also one that I can't wait to explore more of, especially with his rather deep connection to Aelin now. It will be interesting to see how he fits in her adventures in Adarlan as they search for Arobynn and the third Wyrdkey.

I have high hopes for Queen of Shadows, and will be starting it shortly!
Matched by Ally Condie

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The utopian society was quite interesting to read about and I was pleased with its similarities to The Giver, a book I quite enjoy as well.

The symbolism between the love triangle was obvious and questioned everything that was highlighted by the utopian society - giving up basic human feelings for perfection.

Cassia definitely undergoes a good development throughout the story too, becoming more defiant through her love for Ky and learning the truths of the Society. Ky is also a favorite character of mine, as he has more and more layers to explore that I love as the book continues.

The book was enjoyable and made me feel for their romance as it developed at a realistically and timely manner, and gave me exactly what I wanted from a YA dystopian.
Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

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I was pleased with this installment and especially with the side storylines, as I loved seeing how they began to intertwine. This is definitely characteristic of the longer fantasy series, with the side plots and descriptions and periods of plot development. Most of the book had minimal action and was building up to the ending, which took a spin that I wasn’t expecting. However, I was happy to be immersed into the world even more and I’m more than ready to pick up the next book and see what happens next!
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

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This might be the best book I've read this year?

The entire idea of the summer vacations was my aesthetic completely and I loved the witty dialogue and connection the Liars had. I also read this at just the right time, as the romance between Gat and Cady is very relatable at the moment, so that might have to do with how into the book I was but my god. It was such a beautiful book.

At the beginning, the writing style was a little strange and I found myself tuning out slightly because of it but I quickly grew accustomed to it and it was very good at making me, as the reader, feel things just like Cady was.

The plot of the book showing the inner workings of the Sinclairs and how broken they were showed just how messy the family was, and it executed correctly how nasty it was. This is why Gat was such a breath of fresh air for me - the boy of color who came from a completely different background, didn't live in the facade of the Sinclairs, and made the characters and me think with the things he said on occasion. It was as easy to fall in love with him as the reader as it was for Cady.

The ending had me crushed and tears pouring but it was also shocking in a perfect way. It tied up the gaping holes in the plot up into that point, the holes that had formed as clues were given along the book. It was certainly the best portion, but it also left me with a conclusion that I know I will not forget for a very long time.

This book is INCREDIBLE, I recommend it to anyone and everyone if you want something to make you feel things and aren't afraid to cry!