rathew's reviews
396 reviews

Luster by Raven Leilani

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This was a bizarre story. Something I enjoyed. I only rate it four stars because I was really rooting for this girl.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

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This is one of my new favorite books! Gritty, magical, witty.... all things that I love! The main character is a badass and trying to make it work. The magic building is easy to follow and the characters are all memorable. READ THIS if you like horror and low magic worlds.
The Outsider by Stephen King

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A little slow, but I often read the books that become tv shows. I will say the show and the book are almost exact. This one is a little less scary and more of a thrill. It's hard to root for anyone here since everyone seems so guilty!
The Invention of Sound by Chuck Palahniuk

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Another genius book by the king of uncomfy. A little gore, a little murder, and a whole lot of Hollywood.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

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Terrible. Almost nothing happens and when it does, it's not anything satisfying. Don't waste your time.
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

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A good book for anyone who "doesn't read". This will make you want to turn the pages. Filled with nostalgia and nerd culture this has something for everyone.
Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline

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I had high hopes for this one because I loved the first. But this is a great example of how sometimes, less is more. I think we could have lived without this one. The story wasn't bad, and the themes were interesting, it just didn't even come close to the first ones epicness!
Armada by Ernest Cline

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This was alright, very much an Ender's Game feel. It was basically an updated version that had less content. Would reccomend for younger kids and those who insist reading everybook that crosses their path that is set in Oregon. (That's me, I'm that person.)