I really didn’t enjoy this book. I didn’t expect as many fantasy and new dark-magic elements of the story as the ones introduced towards the end of it. The first half felt like a story about the protagonist and their average life in a cool bookstore, and the second half was all about this secret society we really had no introduction to until near the end. I never felt particularly caught up in the story.
I read this book in one sitting. It’s a great introduction to Christie’s style and characters, though the ending was a bit disappointing. I was excited and caught up in the mystery of the story, excited to find out if my predictions were accurate and the ending felt that it was suddenly introducing new facts and points in order to pull the rug out from under the audience and make a shocking ending. I like the mystery element of the story but it wasn’t remarkable or memorable to me.
I loved this story. The normality of Marianne and Connell’s relationship is what made the story so remarkable and heartfelt to me. I loved the raw emotions explained that were felt in the characters and by the end of the book they felt like friends I held near to my heart that I wanted a happy ending for.
I enjoyed this book, the story and characters all felt unique. I loved the style of how each story is told and the tense nature of them as they lead up to endings that are predicted, but still shocking. The book was emotional and mysterious.
It’s an interesting love story, but I didn’t find anything remarkable about it. The age difference made it feel a little uncomfortable to read about and it felt almost to be an obsessed artist or lover story rather than an average romance. Elio seemed obsessed and their love didn’t feel healthy. The setting is beautiful and the dialogue between characters was notable.
I like this book because I’ve thought about it often after reading it. I still think about the role of Maggie Cassidy in the story and if she is supposed to be a love interest or the antagonist. I think it’s a great example of characters’ interactions and how they develop the characters themselves. Kerouac is brilliant, this book is no exception to his excellent prose.
This book is flawless in my opinion. I was enthralled in the story from the first page to the last. I loved the characters and the story. The perspective of the narrator/main character is unique due to the nature of the story. I highly urge you to read this book.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I love Kosinski’s writing but this book is gruesome and overall degrading. I understand it’s nature, but it felt almost painful to read as there weren’t many redeeming qualities to the character or plot. The two stars is for the writing style and the consistent pace.
I loved this book so much. The ending stuck with me and I think about it often. Due to the ending’s memorable nature I don’t remember much of the middle of the book in comparison, but it’s worth a read and a moving story.