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rdnlsmith's reviews
121 reviews

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain

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For me, the main draws of this book were Hank Morgan's sense of spectacle in setting up technological "miracles," his industry and efficiency in bringing Arthur's England up to date (as of the nineteenth century), and his commentary on sixth-century life. Twain's projection of modern concepts onto a medieval society previously ignorant of them serves to create amusing scenarios and often satirizes those concepts at the same time. The ending perhaps was a little unsatisfying, and the book perhaps dragged on a bit long, but overall it was a worthwhile read and I would recommend it to fans of Twain and of time travel.
Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder

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An excellent resource for those seeking an overview of philosophy without the dryness of a textbook. The narrative surrounding the lessons helped to demonstrate their implications and break them up just enough to keep the reader interested. However, it begins to drag on by the end. I recommend this book for its educational value, but not for its writing.