readerturnedwriter's reviews
1080 reviews

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

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This is a classic Agatha Christie, very brilliant, and worth the time. I loved it!
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

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To be honest, I didn't like this book much, despite it's popularity. First of all, she is wacky. Seriously. She treats and talks to stuff like it's alive, a person. I'm dead serious. She thinks you should empty out your purse every night because it's been working so hard carrying your stuff around for you all day and deserves a break. She says that in the book. And it's a common theme throughout the book. I couldn't get past that plus the fact that she talked on and on and kept repeating herself. I think her book could have literally been half as long as it was, which felt like an annoying waste of time when I was reading it.

However, I did get some stuff out of it. One thing I liked was her focus on getting rid of stuff in one fell swoop before putting away anything or trying to organize. I am a big believer in owning less stuff (though I am a natural collector/hoarder, so it's a work in progress). But reading her book did motivate me to go through our house and declutter.
The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley

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So interesting and lots of applicable (and motivating) information in it!
Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites by Chris Heimerdinger

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This was a good read. It held my interest, I learned a lot, and enjoyed the characters and plot.
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead

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Loved it! This was a really fun, fast paced read.
Sugar by Deirdre Riordan Hall

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I cannot say enough good about this book. It touches on a lot of adult themes in a very clean way, the character development is believable and heartbreaking, and the ending is perfect. I loved it!
Emeralds and Espionage by Lynn Gardner

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When I read these books in middle school, I loved them! I couldn't get enough. Coming back to reread them, I see their flaws, but I still think they're worth the read. They are fast paced, clean, educational, and easy, quick reads.
Insurgent by Veronica Roth

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I loved the first book of this trilogy and enjoyed this second as well, though it wasn't as good as the first. It still is interesting and keeps the pages turning quickly.