readingromancehea's reviews
717 reviews

Older Hotter Grumpier by Evie Rose

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Ella thinks her boss Rafe has left for his annual Wednesday appointment. Since Rafe isn’t there she thinks it’s a good idea to read her book. What she doesn’t know is Rafe hasn’t left. He calls her name from behind her. Busted. 

I love Rafe’s nickname for Ella. The second Ella said she was going to read her book at work I knew it would be a disaster. When Rafe popped up behind Ella my jaw dropped. The office scene wasn’t what I expected at all. I love the fact that Rafe knows Ella’s size. The jewelry is priceless. What a perfect ending. 
Bonus Game by Susan Renee

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This is the last book in the Chicago Red Tails series. They can all be read as standalones.

Zeke knows his parents aren't getting any younger and needs to start looking for a nanny. He doesn't have much luck until Kinsley recommends her friend Ada for the job. When Zeke sees Ada he can't stop staring. He keeps saying he's going to keep his hand off the nanny but will he? 

Zeke is such a sweetheart. Zeke stepping up and taking care of his daughter proves he's an amazing father. The interview process was hysterical. The fact that Zeke had to ask Ada those questions was great. I love how Ada jumped into action with Elsie even before she was hired. Finally Zeke can feel comfortable enough to sleep without worrying. It's so cute how Zeke gets tongue tied around Ada. What a cute story. This is the perfect way to end the Chicago Red Tails series.
Just For Tonight by Cadence Keys

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Jenna is drinking at the bar hoping to get enough courage to have a one night stand. The man she makes eyes with across the bar is game. After the best night of her life, she ends up seeing him at a restaurant while being introduced to her as her new step brother. How do you handle that?

The fact that Connor calls her "Darlin'" and "Sugar" makes me melt. I feel awful that Jenna felt the need to have a one night stand. The bathroom scene was wild. I do like how open and honest Jenna is right away. Connor's praise is intoxicating. It's awful how bad Jenna's ex messed her up. Jenna's mother is vile. I really enjoyed this book.
Ice Hot by Tracy Goodwin

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Christian is in a bad mood after practice and literally walks into a beautiful woman at the gas station. After trying to help her with her gas and clothes, she leaves without giving him her name. They can't stop thinking about each other. A few days later they see each other at a bar. How perfect is that?

Christian trying to bring the team together might be for their benifit but it's cute to me. The gas station scene was absolutely epic! Serena was so sassy at the bar and I couldn't get enough. Christian adopting a shelter dog made Serena swoon. Serena's phone call with Becca is great. I love their friends and Puck. The ending was nice. 
Bound by Gold by Eva Marks

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20 years ago Malachi lost his father. He's been trying to get revenge ever since. It just so happens that Cadence starts looking up things about the man who Malachi wants revenge on. What happens when you think the girl on your computer screen isn't who you thought she was? 

I actually like the nickname "little spy". Cadence didn't deserve what happened to her. Malachi is such a hurt man and just needs love. I love how Malachi first sees Cadence. I was shocked at some of the payments. The lengths that Malachi goes to hide is insane. I feel awful for Cadence but I understand what it's like to want to save someone you love so deeply. The ending was perfect for them.

Eva Marks writes such amazing characters. I will always recommend her books to everyone. 
Steal My Kiss by Ariana St. Claire

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Anthony was at a hotel bar and planned to drink his sorrows away until a blonde named Lena caught his attention. After their night together he couldn't stop thinking about her. Then his friend Kellan said his daughter Emmie that he didn't know he had was pregnant. Kellan's daughter happened to be his Lena. 

I adore the fact that Anthony calls Lena his "Little Vixen" and that Lena calls their baby their little "gummy bear". I liked their banter and the way she talked back to him. I think if this was longer it would've been better. There was so much left out. Then it suddenly just ends without an actual conclusion. I wasn't happy with the this at all. 
Something Good by Melody Claire

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Sammy hasn't been dealt a fair hand in life. He found a ray of sunshine in Will. When Will moves away Sammy feels lost. When your whole reason for existing leaves you it makes you look at life differently. What happens when you find yourself reunited with your first love? You get angry of course. 

I love the fact that Sammy calls Will his "Golden Boy". Sammy doesn't deserve all that's happened to him. I want to hug him and tell him he's loved. Will is such a sweet man. It broke my heart when Will left. The whole letter thing made me feel for both of them. The fact that they met up again at their spot was perfect. Their summer together was beautiful. I adore Jimmy and I hate Charlotte with a burning passion. The ending was great. There is a part one and a part two. You have been warned. This is spicy!
Out of Sight by Cleo White

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Isobel is going to her sister's destination wedding. She's on the shuttle alone when the driver tells her they're waiting for one more person. The man that gets on stares at her and drops his phone because she's that breathtaking. They end up running into each other later that day. She's related to the bride and he's related to the groom. What now?

Isobel feels that she's so damaged and worthless. I want to hug her so badly. Judah deserves to have a life outside of work. The fact that Judah noticed Isobel before she noticed him was great. I love how Judah told the driver that him and Isobel were together so the driver wouldn't hit on her. The way Judah ran after Isobel was adorable. The possessive side to Judah is on point. I really hate her parents. I'm obsessed with the ending! What a good story.
Corrupting Cali by Kate Oliver

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Cali has never felt wanted. Her parents and only Daddy didn't want her. While at Halloween night at Surrender she meets a man in a wolf mask. She's never felt more alive than when she was with him. When her sister goes missing she asks a customer at her job to help her. This man makes her feel like Mr. Wolf mask did... 

Cali is such a sweet girl. She deserves the world. Declan thinks he's a monster but he really is worth saving. The night at Surrender was perfect. The way they connect is electric. The fact that Cali has a stuffed animal wolf that she named Snickers is adorable. I love how Declan watches her while she works. It's intoxicating having eyes on you at all times. This is not what I expected but it's still good. 
Daddy's Addiction by BJ Alpha

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Tommy has been told that his step daughter Jade will be spending 6 weeks with him. Tommy never knew she existed so why would he want to know her now? He thinks that he can find a babysitter to deal with Jade. Then he sees her...

Tommy is so misunderstood. I want to jump through the book and save him. Jade just wants to be loved and wanted. The first time Tommy meets Jade doesn't go how I imagined it would at all. I love Tommy's reaction to Jade calling him "Daddy" for the first time. The party was brilliant on Jade's part. I definitely felt her humiliation when she wanted to go to the store. I'm in love with this book. It's extremely spicy. I'm going to recommend this to everyone.