readingthestars's reviews
576 reviews

Half Lost by Sally Green

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Probably more of a 3.75?
Okay so I LOVED this series. I enjoyed it a lot. BUT. There were a couple of things that bugged me. I liked the writing, but it also seemed incomplete at times. Nathan went back and forth so often that I had trouble keeping track, and I found Nathan’s baby to just be...unnecessary. The ending was impactful as it was (I may have teared up at the end), and I don’t feel as though the baby added anything much besides some confusion on my part. In general, I feel the series had some issues with the timeline and spacing things out.
Don’t get me wrong - I loved reading this. I love Nathan as a somewhat unlikeable character, because he was so different from the norm (though I wish he could have at least been nicer to Gabriel, who was trying so hard). I am truly happy that I picked up this series.
I loved the ending of the series. I’m happy Nathan got his little spot by the river with Gabriel, even though he was constantly in emotional pain. I’m just sad he couldn’t have gotten anything more.
Escaping from Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco

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Completely gripping and kept me on the edge of my seat. I still feel a bit odd about how out of character Audrey Rose was in this book, because I have trouble believing that she would threaten her relationship with Thomas just for her cousin, whose problem with Houdini could have been solved using other methods. This book was different from the previous because it very much focuses on a love triangle rather than just inserting the main romance between the main plot points. I’m not sure how well it was done in this book, but I would have liked a bit more focus on the case at hand (talking about it more/figuring out suspects and seeking them out).
While I enjoyed this book, I do agree that it was probably the weakest book in the series thus far, especially since Thomas was barely present.
Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert

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This book was enjoyable but also fell into the “just okay” category for me. I understand having multiple crushes at once, but being interested in two people and almost acting on those feelings is a bit much. I do love stories about families, but I’m not sure if this was the strongest I’ve read.
Dear Evan Hansen: The Novel by Val Emmich

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As much as I absolutely love the musical and what it's done for me personally, if I had been introduced to the story through this book, I probably wouldn't be a huge fan. It was a faithful adaptation and I have no big issues with it, but it's so much easier to understand Evan's actions real time, when you can see him fumbling with his words and how starved the Murphy's are for information. I found it harder to sympathize with Evan while reading this than I did by listening to the musical, but that's probably just the differences between the two mediums.
Points I have:
- I'm not sure how much Miguel added. I'm glad that Connor did have a friend at some point, but he could have had a bigger role in it if they wanted to add him. Going off that, I thought that Connor would react more to Evan's actions (like affecting the world around him, throwing stuff). Maybe that's just my expectations working against me, but I thought that Connor was going to like, follow Evan around or something (a bit like in the musical).
- Why can't his name just be Evan? I understand what they were doing but can't he just be Evan?
- In trying to stay true to the musical, they used lyrics from it, which I wasn't a huge fan of because this isn't the musical, it's a book adaptation. The dialogue could also be a little abrupt at times because they were putting the script/lyrics in it, which, okay that's fine but it could have been a little different too.
I always do this. I always give a good rating and then go on to say things that I didn't like but I really did like this book lol. I enjoyed it because this musical has been a part of my life for a long time now.
Gmorning, Gnight!: Little Pep Talks for Me & You by Lin-Manuel Miranda

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I read a tweet every morning and every night and it's the perfect motivation to get out of bed. Someone telling you that you deserve to sleep after the long day is the best thing to read. Can't recommend this book enough to people.
What If It's Us by Adam Silvera, Becky Albertalli

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*Slight spoilers!*

I really enjoyed this one! Biggest thing was that after the initial meeting I almost got a bit bored and it seemed like there wasn't enough of a plot to keep me interested. But it picked up and held my attention for the rest of the book! The other thing was that some parts (like the treasure hunt at the end) were just a little too cheesy for my taste, but I'm sure it will look great on the big screen.
In all, a super cute book that dragged just a little but still made me feel anger and happiness. Can't wait to see what they come up with next!
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi

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*Very very mild spoilers.*
I'm a little shook tbh right now.
This was a fast paced fantasy book which is exactly what I love, and it only got better at the end (worse?). I say worse because this book DID make me cry and I bet you all know at what chapter, and I was not expecting that. And that ENDING?? I can't WAIT to read the next book because I want to know what happens next!
The Backstagers: The Show Must Go On by James Tynion IV

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As a theatre kid who's done tech/crew the whole time, this series really spoke to me. I understood not feeling appreciated all the time, not getting thanks for running a board or working backstage. And it was absolutely amazing to see my side of something that is usually only shown from the actors' point of view. I connected with the magic of the stage, with the story being told. I loved it.
Our Dark Duet by V.E. Schwab

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Victoria Schwab does it again! I always love her books, but am also unsure if I like this one or This Savage Song more.