readingwryly's reviews
236 reviews

Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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Solid 3.5 stars for me. This was a good read! Overall, I loved the ambiance! Also, it’s a period piece. And my favorite period, taking place in 1950’s Mexico! I loved that I got a different perspective, culturally. We could dig deeper into The whole “euro invasion” aspect, but I’ll let that go for now.

I loved the spooky atmosphere! This truly is quintessential gothic. I actually loved how many times the descriptions made me grimace with disgust. I want to say this was gory..but it’s not. Not in the typical definition of the word. I’m having a hard time describing the creep factor, but it’s there.

On the negative side, I felt like the pacing was a little slow. There were a few times I had to hang in there, waiting patiently to see where the author was going with the plot. I love the overarching idea of “the twist”, but the buildup was too intense for the payoff. Also, I felt like the characters were more 2 dimensional than 3 dimensional. I will admit, I adored Noemi. But I wanted to not like her too.

Without going into too much of a rant, I want to like AND dislike every character. I think truly 3D characters have a way of showing you they are human. They can’t be completely likeable. And villains shouldn’t be completely despicable. They should have a slice of humanity that shows how they came to make the choices they make. In this case, I didn’t truly feel that way about any of the characters.

This story’s focus is the atmospheric gothic spook factor, and that is fully accomplished without a doubt. Overall, a good read, and something refreshingly different. I would definitely recommend this!
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade

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I needed this book.

Maybe I’ve been reading too many thrillers, but I found this so refreshing!

First of all, I went into this thinking it had “Game of Thrones type references” and knowing there was a romance. I did not know this was a SEXY NOVEL! Whew! It got hot and I didn’t hate it!

But beyond that, I loved the the commentary on body positivity. It represented what I wish “real life” could be. I don’t know if we’re there yet as a society, but I was able to suspend my disbelief and dream. And it takes stories like this to get us there! Young women need characters like April to pave the way and show them that they are beautiful no matter their size. But just as important, maybe more so, are characters like Marcus who see women for who they are and love every inch of them!

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

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Well...I now need to read everything Laini Taylor has EVER WRITTEN. Her grocery list, 4th grade book report, I DON’T CARE! I will gratefully read anything of this woman’s hand and heart and being.

HOLY HELL! I’m reeling!

Where to even start? This book touched my soul. When I think of the writing, the word “flowery” comes to mind. But that doesn’t quite fit. Her words are wonderfully ethereal and descriptive, with intent. Not flowery for the sake of fluff. But incredibly beautiful and poignant and thoughtful.

The pacing was top notch! I was on board from the get go. No information dumping or boring exposition. Which is exceptionally impressive considering the enormity of this world and all we learn about it. She gives you just enough information a little bit at a time and in ways that keep you focused on the character building and unaware that you are sinking into a fantasy world.

The love story. (Sigh) Just. So. Beautiful.

And the social commentary? This book touches on race, on family trauma, on coming of age and knowing ones self, on fitting in. It’s rife with life lessons and beauty, wrapped up in dreams and books, Gods and Goddesses, magical cities and vast deserts!

I cannot go on living my life until I read the second part of this duology.

I’m broken in the best way.
Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor

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I don’t even know what to say.

I never want to leave this world, these characters, this writing.

That is all.