readingwryly's reviews
236 reviews

Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert

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Well, I’m ruined. This second book in this series by Talia Hibbert has absolutely solidified my love for this story, these sisters, and this author.

I was initially thrown off by the contrast between the posh, polished energy from Chloe (in the first book) and the blunt and colorful descriptions of the “love scenes”. I don’t consider myself a prude, but it was jarring initially. However, effective!

That being said I now realize, after reading the second book, that this is very intentional by the author and is in effect, her style. And I like it. It gives me the satisfaction of a “dirty little secret” type novel, while also filling my heart to the brim with absolutely lovable, relatable, well shaped characters, and brilliant dialogue.

I love Hibbert’s humor as well as her ability to shine a light on the differences between her character’s inner monologues and the things they say. This writing choice can create countless opportunities for a pop of comedy, while also allowing the reader to explore human nature in general and give insight into her character’s thoughts and feelings.

I didn’t think I would love Dani as much as I loved Chloe, but I did. I do.

Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig

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In the same way that I am Bridget Jones, I am Matt Haig. His words speak to me on a level that makes me feel seen and heard, that reminds me of the terror and the beauty of humanity. We’re all going through the process together, even if we’re going at it alone. It’s good to be reminded from time to time that, even though your experience is unique to you, pain is universal...and love is too.

I don’t usually rate non-fiction. But I couldn’t help myself. I have so much respect for this man, for his vulnerability, his heart, and his ability to put words to a page and speak the language of life.