readsknitsrepeats's reviews
1393 reviews

Knock Knock by Nordika Night

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“It was the knowledge that he was my person, and I was his, and the journey that got us here was worth everything.”

These two idiots were kinda hilarious.
Emery by Cora Rose

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I should have only read this one since the others...oof! This is not the author for me. 
Whit by Cora Rose

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Ok, this is not the author for me. Yes, I read all 5 books and I wish I hadn’t read them
Sem by Cora Rose

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Ok, this is not the author for me. Yes, I read all 5 books and I wish I hadn’t read them.
Lex by Cora Rose

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Ok, this is not the author for me. Yes, I read all 5 books and I wish I hadn’t read them, particularly this one...
The only character development was of Lex and the ladies at the retirement home. William had zero personality and seemed only to exist for the sex.

Not to mention William being introduced as asexual…what was that? I know there was a disclaimer at the start of the book but really? Why label him as ace only to perpetuate the idea that William hadn’t found the “right person” and is now suddenly attracted to someone??
Exiled by Jessie Walker

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Overall the story was beautiful and heart breaking. Definitely had me yelling at Nolan for sure. The addiction, mental health and autism rep. were well done.
The age gap didn't bother me, it was how the author kept bringing up innocence, inexperience, and using "good boy" that made it weird.
Unconventional Hearts by Emmy Sanders

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Absolutely adored Tru and the ace representation 💜 It was so well done and thoughtful. Thank you for keeping Tru “true” to his aceness!!!!

“I think knowin’ you’re not alone, you’re not wrong, is one of the most important things to queer kids. To anybody, really, ’cause dang, sexuality is complicated, y’all.” There are a couple more chuckles, more nods. “That’s why I fight for us, for groups like this. It matters. We matter. So thanks, for bein’ here, for carin’.”