readtiltheworldisblurry's reviews
216 reviews

Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert

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So, I’ve mentioned that the books in this series have ranged from fine to disappointing.

But this is so good, it’s giving me pause.

Like, will the rest of the series be on this level? Or is the the standout good one in the series?

We get three perspectives in this and all the characters are fantastic. There is great spice and a compelling romance. The stakes are high and the plot was interesting. It genuinely kept me on the edge of my seat.

And I like how this raised stakes for the world and the series going forward.

This is the only one I genuinely liked and no part of it disappointed me.
Minor Detail by Adania Shibli, عدنية شبلي

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I did not know what to expect, but this was so beautifully written and I noticed parallels between the different time periods. It was so short that I’m surprised how much of an impact this had on me.
Salt Houses by Hala Alyan

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Where do I start?

I loved this family. They are all so different and wonderful and I love watching their relationships develop over time as children grow up and make decisions that the adults react to.

I love the identity crisis that many of the children go through, of being Palestinian by heritage, but never living in Palestine. How people react to their being Palestinian as something they should be ashamed of.

I love the time jumps and seeing different events through the eyes of different characters who are observing from the outside. The impact is has on them is incredibly powerful.

I have never been a fan of stories with time jumps, or large families, but I loved this book. It really made good use of those time jumps, allowing us to watch the evolution of this family in a way that made this book so unique.

I absolutely love it and encourage everyone to read this.
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi

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I want to start off by saying that I was not coming into this book with no idea of the history between Palestine and Israel, because I have been aware of some of this for several years. Also, my undergrad is in history.

One of the best things I liked about this breakdown of the history of Palestine is the undeniable Western influence. From the British to the Americans, the establishment of the state of Israel as another settler colony is incredibly well explained.

As he was going through the years of different wars and periods of violence between Palestinians, their allies and Israel, it was easy to see how events influenced each other. Nothing happened because someone felt like it, there were always political reasons or people who had seen injustice committed against their people.

This is a really good look at the history of Palestine and how the Zionest movement became the state of Israel. If you are someone who GENUINELY wants to understand what happened and how getting to peace is incredibly complicated, start by reading this book.
King of Wrath by Ana Huang

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While I loved the Twisted Series, it took me longer than I wanted to get to this. Maybe I missed the Twisted men, or was overwhelmed by life, but I am so glad I finally picked this up.

I love Vivian’s character and she really reminds me of Bridget, in that she’s rich but it doesn’t mean everything to her.

Dante was the most surprising. His admiration for Vivian is amazing and I loved watching his inner turmoil between his feelings for Vivian and his hatred of her father.

I am incredibly excited for this new series and it has confirmed that I will read literally anything she writes.
Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

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I've seen so many people recommend this, so I decided to give this a try.

I have no idea how I flew through this book in two days.

I think the world-building is really well done and the characters are pretty interesting. The plot is good too, and I like how Evangeline's choices make her so skeptical of who she can trust.

I am a little confused on where she stands with Jacks at the end of the book, but it's interesting enough that I will absolutely read the sequel.
The Only One Left by Riley Sager

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Oh. My God.

This was amazing and full of so many twists and turns. I like how we get fed small amounts of the true story throughout the book, cause it did not make me want to put it down.

I thought it would get confusing to keep track of things that happened and who people were, but it was surprisingly easier than I was expecting.

Also, it took me a really long time to figure out when this book was set and how old people were.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes spine-chilling thrillers or who simply doesn’t want to put their book down.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

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What did I do to deserve this??

No, seriously. Why was my heart ripped out like that??

I had no idea what I was getting myself into, then I thought it would be a bittersweet story about two people who found each other in impossible situations.

But it was so much more.

This touched my soul and said more about what life is about than anything I’ve ever read.
The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun

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I really liked it.

I do not like reality shows, let alone reality dating shows, but this came so highly recommended.

And it was really good.

I love Charlie and Dev’s characters. I like how the book spends time showing their flaws to each other and showing that they are still worthy of love. It meant a lot to me, as someone with depression.

It did drag at the beginning for longer than it should’ve, but the middle drama and the end made up for it.
As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson

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I love this series so much and it went out on a phenomenal high.

There is so much I want to say, but it’s all spoilers, so I’ll just say this. It was much more frightening than the last two and I had no idea where this was going.

I like the flawed character Pip has turned into because it really makes her relatable and makes her journey really interesting. But she’s also not so flawed that I can’t see why Ravi loves her. Holly Jackson struck the perfect balance.

I finished this crying cause the last few chapters broke me. Holly Jackson said she got advice to leave it on a cliffhanger, but I kind of hate her for that.