readwitray's reviews
621 reviews

Dark Corners by Megan Goldin

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This was a absolutely fun fast paced thriller. 

I did not know this was book 2 in a series until free I checked it out from the library. These books follow different crimes so it can be read out of order. I don’t know if that’s how it will be for the rest of the book since there is romance that evolves in this book. 

This thriller keeps you gripped through out the whole book. I could not put this book down until the very end. There is twist and turns through out the book. 

Genre:  Thriller
APK: Physical
Pages: 352
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Series or Standalone:  Book 2 in the Rachel Krall Series 
The Dead Girls Club by Damien Angelica Walters

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This is a great book that gives you all the spooky vibes. This book teeters on the line of thriller and horror. I could not put this book down the whole time. 

It was giving spooky, witchy and some 90s nostalgia thrown in with the flash backs. 

Genre:  Thriller 
APK: Physical
Pages: 288
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Series or Standalone:  Stand-alone 
Tangled Up In You by Christina Lauren

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Ren has lived on her parents homestead for 20 years and she is finally heading college but life is much different then on Homestead. 

This a fairytale retelling with a modern twist. I at first did not like the FMC. I felt like the author wrote her very immature and she was driving me crazy. But as the storyline we saw Ren grow as a person and the chemistry with the MMC Fitz.  

I liked the way Christina Lauren mixed in the parentage that needed to happen with a Rapunzel retelling. The storyline didn’t seem very rushed. 

Ren had good chemistry with not rushing anything as Ren is suppose to be this inexperienced farm girl. 

If you love:
🔺Fairytale Retelling 
🔺Road Trip
🔺Slow Burn with no spice 
🔺One Bed

Genre:  Romance 
APK: Ebook
Pages: 320
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Spice: No Spice 
Series or Standalone:  Book 4 in the Meant to Be Series but can be read as a stand-alone 
Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

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I really hope Shonda Rhimes gives screen Collin a better personality then Julia Quinn gave book Collin. 

80% of the book he’s rude to Penelope and physically dragging her everywhere. The last chapter he finally acted the way Penelope deserved in the beginning of the book. 
The Hangman by Mary Burton

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The Forgotten Files Series is a gripping suspense thriller. 

Julia Vargas has decided to reopen the Hangman case that has haunted her for 25 years since her father took his life over this case. 

This book is fast paced and you cannot put it down until the very end. It keeps you guessing on the suspects the whole time until your mind is blown. 

We get POVs not only for Novak and Vargas who are the two cops working this case but we also get some good POVs from the serial killer themself. 

My only issue with this book is that the audiobook narrator just makes the book sound a little cheesy definitely when she’s talking to her partner Novak. 

Genre:  Crime Thriller 
APK: Ebook & Audio
Pages: 349
Audio Length:  5 hours and 56 minutes 
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️
Series or Standalone:  Book 3 in the forgotten files 

Content Warnings: Talk of Rape 

She Left by Stacie Grey

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This book really kept me drawn in and it was so fast paced. The only reason it’s a 3⭐️ and not a 4⭐️ was because the ending was not good and kind of let down. 

Theresa is coming back to her home town after 20 years. 20 years ago she was the only survivor of a group murder and now it’s coming back to haunt her.  

90% of this book is a good whodunit. I was so invested into the whole plot line and the characters. The author set this up to be an amazing thriller to then thrown in so ending that wasn’t even a good twist. Maybe I’ve read too many thrillers and just excepted it. 

Genre:  Thriller 
APK: Ebook
Pages: 322
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Series or Standalone:  Stand-alone 

Thank you Poison Pen Press for sending me a copy of She Left for honest review 
Camp Slasher by Dan Padavona

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This book is giving me Wrong Turn meets Camp Crystal Lake vibes.  

This is a good slasher. It’s a bit slow in the beginning and we are meeting so many people and getting different POVs. But when it picks up you feel like you’re right in the middle of a horror movie. 

 you love:
🔺Slasher / Camp vibes  
🔺Final Girls 

Genre:  Slasher Horror 
Pages: 273
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Series or Standalone:  Stand-alone 
Her Pretty Lies by Angela Henry

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This book had some many twist and turns at the end. I did not predict the ending. 

Kendall has lost her tuition and her fellowship for her upcoming year. When an opportunity falls into her lap it seems to good to be true because it actually might be. 

This book is so fast paced it keeps going until the very end. I didn’t think there was a slow part in the whole book. You will not be able to figure out the twist and turns of what is going on in Kendall’s life. 

You can’t trust anyone in this book… 

This might be one of my top favorite thrillers of 2024. 

Genre Thriller
APK: Ebook
Pages: 288
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Series or Standalone:  Stand-alone 

Thank you Storm Publishing for sending me a free copy for an honest review. 
The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley

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I think this is Lucy Foleys best book yet. This book has such a great atmosphere and draws you in. 

We get multiple POVs from everyone connected to the story plus past POVs from what started it all. We had a great ending that wouldn’t except definitely from a Lucy Foley book. 

The chapters are short and allow the storyline to go fast and keep you drawn in until the every end. 

Genre: Thriller 
APK: Ebook
Pages: 320
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Series or Standalone:  Stand-alone 

Thank you William Morrow for providing a free copy for my honest review 
Confessions by Kanae Minato

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This is a great book. It was translated beautifully to where you wouldn’t know it was originally written in a different language. 

This book leaves you with twist after twist until the very end.  This book is better as an audiobook as the narrator does amazing telling the story and correct pronouncing the names of the Japanese characters.