reegankay's reviews
211 reviews

Identical by Ellen Hopkins

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Saw the plot twist coming, if I'm honest. Still very enjoyable, Ellen Hopkins is fabulous.
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick

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Ugh I have such mixed emotions about this. Some parts I loved, others I hated. I didn't feel attached to the main character and I didn't understand what he was saying and why he was saying it. He reminded me alot of Holden from Catcher in the Rye, who I despise. He was utterly self absorbed and whiney. The ending felt very abrupt and I was left with many questions. Still, an entertaining, quick read, but not a lot of depth, despite the authors intentions.
The Unbound by V.E. Schwab

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WOW this was bloody brilliant! I sincerely hope enough people read this series to get a third book.
Wes is adorable<3
Leave the Window Open by V.E. Schwab

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This was rather wonderful. Wesley's real name is also wonderful. What's not so wonderful is the fact we may never get a third book, and I need that in my life.
Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

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After seeing so many negative reviews, and my own mediocre experiences with Alexandra Bracken's previous books, I was not expecting to enjoy this. BUT IT WAS SUPER GREAT. 'Twas very atmospheric, and I love the characters. Cannot wait for the sequel :0
Stand-Off by Andrew Smith

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This was sooooo great.
I enjoyed it much more than Winger. Ryan Dean is just as hilarious as ever, but he has matured and grown throughout these two novels in a spectacular way. I LOVED the conversations about consent, pubic hair, mental illness, testicles, sexuality and all that good stuff, it is very refreshing to see it dealt with this way in YA.
and joey <3
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson

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3.8 (due to sluggish pace at the beginning)
I cannot say how refreshing it is to read about a gay character comfortable with his sexuality, not only that but this feature not being used as a plot device or seen as problematic. The story didn't depend on unfortunate circumstances to be engaging, the characters were written in a very compelling way and I truly felt the depths of their personality. I finished the latter half of this book in one sitting, after a slow start, it greatly improved.