reigandunkle's reviews
331 reviews

A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 22%.
Will try later in life…
Immortal Dark by Tigest Girma

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adventurous dark mysterious tense medium-paced


 I honestly believe that three stars is to much but I’m feeling generous…

Before I say anything, I want to just say that what your about is my opinion. Whether you agree or not, this is how I felt about the book. Also there are definitely some minor spoilers so be careful.

2/3 of the book I truly dreaded. Every time I picked up this book I was almost waiting for the main character to do something to upset me just so I had a reason to stop reading again. For a book I was so excited for it fell really flat for me for a few reasons.

1. I hated the romance for majority of this book. it wasn’t until the end that I was ok with it
When you have a “couple” that for ALL of the book hate each other and want to kill each other, it’s hard when the author flips this on its head a chunk of the way in. And when I say flip I just mean all of a sudden there’s INTENCE physical attraction now and they don’t want to kill each others every second of the day. I actually liked how in the end (even thought they both lied to each other so much I was confused where we were at in the story lie) we got to see how similar they both were, and how they found comfort in each others darkness. Overall this relationship didn’t fit in my eyes. I live a good enemy’s to lovers but the execution of this relationship just did not work.

2. The world building and plot wholes made my head hurt.
I feel as though this needs no explanation. Normally a few plot wholes is fine I can over look things and still understand what’s going on but…

3. The rage I felt whenever the main character refused to think about anything especially consequences.
Ya… sorry not sorry but the whip lash I was getting from her was crazy. By the end I liked her a lot more but it took some time!! She had kinda a plan coming in but my god did everything go out the window the second she got to school. She pretended like she knew everything, and then be really mad and take it out on others when she didn’t. Like I low key felt bad for Susenyos cause girl is a HAND FULL. Also if girl just listened to what people were saying… if only.

To say there is more is an understatement but I feel like these were the big three. I could go on about the other parts of the book I dislike but won’t cause I’m ready to move on to my next read.