short but felt dragged on at times especially when the climax is nearing. it’s an okay book with a riveting story to tell. gibson’s writing style is so pretty, too. i liked how the author never lacked description of what goes in and beyond the story, it’s like constanta’s journey is as much as mine as a reader.
anything anne shirley related and i come crawling. when i heard about this anne of green gables reimagining, i made sure to read it immediately, especially when she’s asian and a lesbian.
i was quite looking forward with which this book has in store for me but upon reading, i felt dimly disappointed. the resolution to the racism and homophobia anne experienced in the hands of the townspeople didn’t quite blend well with me. i’m glad anne finally fit in by the end but when half of the plot revolves around such negativity and the ending isn’t even enough to wash them out, one would justly feel let down. none of the kids nor the parents even said sorry to anne. anne deserves so much better.