Saw this first as the incredible NT production starring Sienna Miller. The effect of Skipper’s death, and the question of his relationship with Brick, is such a powerful, gutting reveal. I appreciated this insight re Brick and Skipper from Miller’s stage directions: “The bird that I hope to catch in the net of this play is not the solution of one man’s psychological problem […] mystery should be left in the revelation of character in a play, just as a great deal of mystery is always left in the revelation of character in life, even in one’s own character to himself.”
The racism and fatphobia did take me out of the moment. But it’s 1955 and the worst people you know are at a family birthday party.
Six intertwining survival narratives of the attack on Hiroshima, which capture just how absurd and incomprehensible the devastation was. I found the descriptions of the city to have a creepy, fairy-tale-like quality: a garden in a razed city with pumpkins roasted on the vine, perfectly baked potatoes under the soil, and not a soul alive to eat them. Radiation stimulating roots of vegetation so that as people returned, bereaved and traumatised, the ruins were alive with verdant cheerful greenery.
JJ's letter to his mum after his murder is uncomfortable to read - admittedly I am one of the interlopers JJ derides for catching the train out of the estate every evening - but it's hard not to think it over after finishing, shuffle through what could have been done or who could have stepped in to dispel the tragedy. Although knife violence is relevant as ever, the dialogue and cultural references of 2010 straddle that awkward space between 'retro' and 'cringe'. I'm unsure how it will be received by students today, but it's certainly fast and absorbing enough for reluctant readers.
A glorious poem for Christmastime! The Green Knight is one of my favourite films, so I was apprehensive once I realised how significantly different the original text is. But the rhyme and craft of the poem is utterly magical, and speaks so much to the crush of untempered nature in the Christian empire. Absolutely brilliant how those hunting and butchering scenes were juxtaposed with the castellan’s wife sexually “hunting” Gawain.
I have long wanted a novel about the mundanity of space lab tasks, and finally I have it. The whole book is beautifully crafted, and some passages really swept me away, although I have terrible memory and won’t try replicate them here. It felt very appropriate for an End of Year book, a time for dwelling on our relationship with the earth - sociologically and ecologically. I read some passages aloud to my mum while we were on holiday together this weekend, and she fixated on the message that borders cannot be seen from space, and bought herself a Xmas jumper that says CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF A BROWN UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT.