rileydawsonnn's reviews
170 reviews

The Rule Book by Sarah Adams

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I haven't had many good experiences with Sarah Adam's books. i read the cheat sheet and when in rome and i didn't love either of those. However this one was so good!!

Nora gets hired to represent an NFL player. The only catch is that this player is her ex boyfriend, derek. They broke up in college and haven't seen each other since. They make a list of rules so that they are strictly professional, no real feelings involved. 

I absolutely adored nora and derek!! loved this book.
Dear Ava by Ilsa Madden-Mills

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First and foremost, before you read this please look up trigger warning as this book deals with heavy and triggering topics.

Ava is at a kegger party one night with her new friends at Camden prep. That night changed her whole life. Ten months later she is determined to go back to school and show that she won't let any of her old "friends" bother her. Not her ex chance, or even twins Knox and Dane...

This book was so heartbreaking, i mean i sobbed at some parts that happened. i overall was rooting for ava and knox the whole book. and i'm glad they got their happy ending. ugh i love them🥲 4 stars💖💖
Merry Me Darling by Lilian T. James

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such a short sweet novella!! i love these characters🥲
Meet Me Halfway by Lilian T. James

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Okay, cause why was this so good?!?!?? 

This story is about Madison, a twenty five year old mother, with an eight year old son. She is constantly over working herself, working 3 jobs, taking care of her son, and doing online courses during the night. 

She meets the broody, grumpy neighbor Garrett, and her world turns upside down. He helps her through her past traumas.

This book warmed my heart. Madison has been through so much and she stopped believing in love until Garrett. I absolutely loved garrett and jamie's relationship! like literally this man might be my favorite book bf ever!!
Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney

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2.5 stars i have so many thoughts on this book. first off, i want to say this: i love alice feeneys writing. i read one of her other books "his and hers" and i loved it and gave it 5 stars. i do understand why everyone loves this book though. 

the book starts out with amelia and adam going away for a weekend to fix their marriage. they arrive at a chapel she won a getaway to, and that is where this whole story takes place. 

I was so confused who robin was and how she was important to the story and why they were telling us about her, it all made sense in the end but i think it was an odd way to just throw a new character in. 

I think her writing is so lyrical and poetic however there were so many metaphors that WERE NOT NEEDED! if anything it just annoyed me. 

Overall, the plot twist was crazy and I really enjoyed the last 15% of the book but i am disappointed and underwhelmed. but like i said i do understand why everyone loves this book, maybe if i read it in a different time, i would too🫶