rizahw's reviews
248 reviews

Runtuh dan Tumbuh by Leigh Bardugo

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Woof...why is a hecking cat more interesting than the two main leads?
I think this one is my least favourite out of the three books, and I really enjoyed the second one. Again I do love me a middle book. Might bump that one after all this.
Lack off best boy Nikolai to carry the plot and be the only interesting character really shows, especially considering how much the beginning and the third half of the book dragged...and how he was taken out of the story...
The ending is fine, it’s fine, it makes sense for the characters it wraps the story up with a nice little bow, it’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine.
Honestly Alina does not deserve better than Mal and it’s fine.
The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 1: Apocalypse Suite by Gerard Way

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I dunno how I feel about this one, I did really enjoy the Netflix show and kinda was expecting the same from the comic books, but it’s not quite there. The story is very confusing and even with the prior knowledge from the show I am honestly not quite sure what’s is going on half the time. I’ll see if I like future volumes more.
Erased, Volume 2 by Kei Sanbe

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The story keeps going and it is as amazing as ever!
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

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Strong 4.5 stars! What a great and simple book! The characters are likeable, the plot is fast moving and engaging, and the world building is fascinating! I greatly needed a book to take my mind off things and this was it! I can imagine how much I would love this series, if I was the intended age for it, but even still it was simple and enjoyable!