rmlulich's reviews
101 reviews

Formed for the Glory of God: Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards by Kyle C. Strobel

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Great book on spiritual formation / disciplines, in part because it's so well-focused on the point of it all and how none of it's in our power -- a convicting, but no-stress approach.
Doctor Faustus: The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkuhn as Told by a Friend by Thomas Mann

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Did not finish book.


Well-written, at the language level. A complete ramble, story-wise. Not to my taste.
Red Rover, Red Rover by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick

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This short book was great fun. The only reason I'm not giving it five stars is for some content-level editing issues. Nothing significant enough to spoil my enjoyment of the story as a whole. If you remember Scarecrow and Mrs. King fondly, you'll get a kick out of this story's premise and style. I'm definitely going to check out the rest of the series.
Mastering Suspense, Structure, and Plot: How to Write Gripping Stories That Keep Readers on the Edge of Their Seats by Jane K. Cleland

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I would recommend this book to any writer. Not because I agree with everything author Jane K Cleland says (I don't); not because her methods are universally applicable (they aren't). I would recommend it because it presents a way of thinking about writing that proved, for me, very useful. I started experimenting with her suggested method of plotting (the TRD roadmap) and found that it didn't work for me at all. But working through many of the pre-writing questions Cleland provides (e.g. What is your project's narrative question?) caused me to stumble upon a completely different method that, so far, is working very well for me. So don't read it as a rule book and don't read it as Gospel truth. Read it as a prompt. Let it help you think through an analysis of how you work and find what methods work for you. For that, it is really excellent.
My Dearest Father by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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What a fascinating glimpse into the lives and personalities of Mozart and his father! I loved this little collection of letters. Highly recommended.