rorky's reviews
319 reviews

Animal Farm by George Orwell

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I just don’t agree that everyone uses this for an allegory for communism. Russian revolution of course. Does power always corrupt?
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

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I started this book almost a year ago and got about half way through before stopping, this was when the book was being outrageously hyped up and I found myself incapable of separating that hype from what I was reading. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, I merely was not swept up and enthralled like the rest of the teenage and literary world at the time. I found myself disconnected with Charlie's voice and the general tone of the novel. However, I picked up this book again earlier this evening, determined to read it through to the end and finally cross it off my reading list.

Well, I finished it within two hours and then just lay silently on my bed for a good while, just enjoying that post literary haze. It was one of THOSE books. Much like 'Catcher in the Rye'. Absolutely perfect for this time in my life. I think it was excellently written? I honestly am not sure. I know that if it were written any other way it probably wouldn't have worked. The characters do seem pretty shallowly written, as in they could be anyone. It is a novel that I think you are supposed to relate to, to connect the story to your own life. I hope this was intentional. It's subtle enough to be well done if it was.

Basically I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I'd love to reread it and think about it enough to form a coherent opinion, but I'd better head to bed so this is all I have the energy to type.