rosebudreading's reviews
401 reviews

A Father's Bliss by Lee Jacquot

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This was a fantastic finale to the series of Holiday Novellas. It’s fill to the brim with tropes that I absolutely love. There are definitely several spicy moments that had me blushing. I liked their connection with each other. I would have also loved to see a little more drama between his son.

The setting of the the story on the boat. Those were my favorite scenes. I think it would’ve been nice to see a little bit more of them in the workplace together. There was more implied buildup of tension; and we got to see it when they finally followed through on it.

This was a quick read, filled with steamy spice. I highly recommend

Love at 350° by Lisa Peers

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The things I loved the most about this book was that it is a sapphic romance featuring middle aged characters. I also really enjoy books about cooking/baking. So it sounded right up my alley. 

The story focuses a lot on the baking and the competition aspect. While I did really like that aspect I wish it focused more on the romance. I felt like our characters didn’t actually get to know each other deeply. The build between them felt low stakes. It was slow burn but I didn’t really feel the tension. It ended up feeling rushed in the end because of this. 

The book was overall was a fine read with some moments that I really enjoyed. I think this would be perfect for fans of competitive baking shows, who might also enjoy a dash of romance thrown in. 

Love & Monsters by Max Walker

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This was an M/M romance that mixed romance and mystery. The romance was definitely the main focus. There were quite a lot of spicy scenes. Some of the descriptions were out there & took me out of the moment. The characters felt a little immature at times. They had decent chemistry with each other, but their characterization kinda blended together. They felt like the same character at times.
I also liked the friends in the bookclub. Characters talking about books always brings me joy. 
The mystery part was interesting, however it felt like there were a few too many plot points going on. Especially at the end of the story. 
Overall I had a decent time reading this, but it wasn’t a standout read. I definitely want to explore more in the romance/mystery genre 
Triple Sec by TJ Alexander

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This overall was a super cute read. It liked the competition aspect. I wish they showed a little more of the preparation throughout the whole story. I like how it ended up playing out in the end even though there were a few aspects that were a bit predictable. .
As far as the romance. I loved her relationship with Bebe. I felt their chemistry right away. I feel like there wasn’t enough buildup for the relationship with Kade. I wanted more between the two of them. That being said I loved the polyamory, and the nonbinary representation. 
Overall this was a great story. I love everything that TJ Alexander writes. 
Down to a Science by Haley Cass

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This was a quick, & cute read. Even though it was short. It was a relatively slow burn. The story takes place over multiple years. It had a lot of good emotional moments. I loved the journey of self discovery our main character went on. Overall both characters felt extremely relatable. 
While I did find myself a little annoyed by the miscommunication, & constant yearning. I felt like it went on a little too long at some point. I just wanted them to be an adult and talk about their feelings. 
It held my attention, and was the perfect read during Pride month. 
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older

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My feelings about this story are mixed. On one hand there was extremely interesting world building. I loved the location of the story. Seeing humans adapted to living life on Jupiter. 
There was a mystery throughout the story. It was interesting enough, but it felt slightly predictable at times. 
I also didn’t feel any connection with our characters. It did get better in the 2nd half of the book, but by that point for me it just didn’t work. I also didn’t really buy their romance. 
Overall this was a fine read. 
Sounds Like a Plan by Pamela Samuels Young, Dwayne Alexander Smith

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The MMC would have single handedly been the reason I DNF this book, if it hadn’t been an ARC. He was a misogynistic a-hole. I hated every moment he was on the page. There was an entire section dedicated to him trashing another character because she had tattoos. That wasn’t the only moment throughout the story. 
I enjoyed the FMC, she was the thing that kept me pushing through. Though she ended up falling for him so I question her judgement a bit. 
There was a lot of action happening throughout the story. The pacing was a bit off at times but overall the plot of the story was entertaining. There were several moments that felt a bit convienent, specifically for the bad guys coming after them. It just felt like there wasn’t a good explanation for how they found them at times. 
I wouldn’t recommend this book.
Love Letters and Thirst Tonics by Hailey Blackwood

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I loved the cozy small town vibes. The world had vibrant description. I appreciated we got to explore outside of the main town. Everything was low stakes but kept my interest peaked wanting to find out more. Our main characters were fun to read about. I liked the little bit of opposition between the two at the start. They had good chemistry and the 🌶️🌶️🌶️ was great.