rosieposiejosie's reviews
97 reviews

The Maidens by Alex Michaelides

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I’m honestly so disappointed.

I knew who the real killer was as soon as Mariana arrived. So I was disappointed that it didn’t leave me in jaw dropping shock like The Silent Patient did. But I did appreciate how he tied in little pieces of The Silent Patient with this book.
Journey by Andrea Bralić Mikić, Danielle Steel

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This book helps open the eyes to domestic abuse and how it’s not just physical. I wasn’t able to finish it. Not because it was a bad book, it absolutely fantastic! I have been through the same situation as the main character. I’ve had exact quotes said to me and I’ve felt the exact way as the main character, and it struck my PTSD and couldn’t get past page 116. I highly recommend this books to not only women, but EVERYONE! Just because you see no bruises, doesn’t mean they’re not being abused.
Last Licks by Sheila Dyan

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I recommend this 110%!! It’s got it all! It’s steamy, it’s drama and several murders! I wish I could read it all over again! I also wish she had more books.