rosiesbookmark's reviews
30 reviews

The Rebound by Leeanne Slade

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I really enjoyed this audiobook more than I ever thought I would. I enjoyed it so much, I immediately listened to it all again because I wasn’t quite ready to let the story and the characters go. It’s silly, I know. However, that’s how much I loved it.

The characters were well thought out, the narration was brilliant, and the story kept me guessing on what would happen next. My emotions were all over the place; I laughed at times and teared up at others. I actually found myself wishing my commute to and from work was longer just so I didn’t have to stop the story mid-way.

So, this has definitely gone into my “favourites” collection.


Told You So by Leeanne Slade

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I have mixed feelings with this one. I absolutely loved ‘The Rebound’ by Leeanne Slade. I was hooked immediately. However, I didn’t feel the same for ‘Told You So’ (I had to listen to the story sped up at x 1.2 because that kept me from prematurely giving up altogether).

I only truly loved 1/3 of the story (the last part) when things *finally* started heating up and coming together. The first 2/3 felt like it dragged on for far too long.

Lucy, the main female character, was difficult to like. She seemed very cut off from others, was a bit narrow minded, and always always always said the wrong thing (and not in a comical way). She would jump to conclusions and go for the hurt (because it leaves a longer impression than going for the kill). So, I actually found myself wincing at some of the things she said to others (when I wasn’t rolling my eyes at how annoying and ‘woe is me’ she was being). That said, her character became a lot more likeable in the last 1/3 of the book, so I found myself enjoying the story more.

If it weren’t for one male character in particular, I most definitely would have given up. I wish I heard the story from his perspective (even though we got glimpses towards the end). However, much can be forgiven due to the lovely ending Leeanne Slade gave us.

I liked how it all came together (and the final chapter did leave me with the fuzzy warm feelings). If it weren’t for that, I don’t think I would have rated it 3/5 stars.
Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella

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Full of laughs with this one. The only thing I wish I had more of was a bit of an epilogue (I really liked the characters).