rosmcc's reviews
56 reviews

Heat of the Everflame by Penn Cole

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Soooooo close to a 5 star read but I had to deduct some for the cringiness I felt along the way…I think this series has really cemented for me that in order to really feel close to characters it needs to be a longer series. 
Fate Calls the Elf Queen by J.M. Kearl

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This book may have ruined the series for me. Hel is introduced way too late and that relationship is not convincing for me…not enough actual plot. May be a dnf for the series 
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid

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SIX STAR READ!!! All I’ll ever ask a fun read to be. Insane world building, poetic writing, tension, a bit of fear and a bit of mystery to solve. The perfect book with the exception of the appearance of angharad at the end, I’m not a fan of new characters popping up and just explaining everything as it seems like a bit of a lazy move by the author and feels a bit less authentic. 
I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman

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Thought provoking on what makes life worth living and if loneliness can become a sickness itself.