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434 reviews

Confess by Colleen Hoover

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This is incredible! I didn't love it too much at first because it seems like the other Colleen Hoover's writing, just the same, love story with a secret. But i know i'll love it along the story because i always love a story that include some arts in them. And Owen definitely made it comes true. That part, that "5 years earlier" part, just threw me off balance. I don't know, but i just think it's so heartwrenching. And that last painting, God, i cried just by seeing that two hands, so much things had been poured to that piece. I love how Colleen put those paintings in this book, it completed the book perfectly. And i love lots of quotes too.
ps: i'll name my next cat Owen ;)
After the Bridge by Cassandra Clare

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Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

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4.5 stars
This book is better than Cinder. More action, and a bit more romance. And it makes me sitting on the chair's edge in some chapter, which didn't happen in Cinder.
Scarlet was strong character with reckless behaviour, although I hate her sometimes, I think she was mostly good. And Wolf, God, he was like a buldog with puppy's heart, dammit. But in the end he showed us how determined he was to protect his female.
Cinder was kinda cool here, beside being fugitive, she was bit by bit accepting her role. Kai was the same, sweet Prince, too sweet until I wanna punch him on the face, really. And Thorne, I think i like him the most.
Looking forward to Cress and Winter!
Cinder by Marissa Meyer

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Review coming (hopefully) soon! :)
The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

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Let me start with this : If you love Aaron Warner, you'll definitely love Noah Shaw. lol. This book is unbelieveable, i still can't grasp everything in it because, yeah still so much mysteries there. I was dizzy when starting it, because it was told from Mara's point of view yet she herself doesn't know what was real and what wasn't so it left me frustated. But when you turned the pages again and again, the light begin to appear, i mean, you finally can compare what happen now (in the book) and what happened before. When i finished it i automatically open the 3rd book, bless me for already having it in my e-reader (pardon my grammar lol). I can't imagine those who had to wait for so long before they can continue to solve the mysteries in Mara's world.
And beautiful Noah, oh my God, the ending!! So cliffhanger!
And suddenly i have this conclusion, you have to read this series carefully to find some clues between now and before. Maybe i will re-read it after i finish the third book. Thanks to Michelle Hodkin who succesfully messed up with my brain ;)
Hopeless by Colleen Hoover

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Can someone give me a Dean Holder? Because a boy like him is too good to be true.
I enjoy this book, and now the past-secret isn't about the character's love story, but about the family. However, i feel a bit unease with the fact that Colleen inserted that suicide problem, but after all this book is great, as great as her other books. But i don't have a plan to read Losing Hope though, idk i'm just not that curious about Holder's point of view.
Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover

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I like it that we have Will's point of view here. The story is so Colleen Hoover type, bittersweet. I couldn't ask for more perfect ending, for book two though.
Slammed by Colleen Hoover

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I have said that I will always love books that have touch of art in them, all kind of art. So I LOVE this book so much, thanks to the slam poetry. Plus, I always fond of people named Will lol, so yeah I LOVE Will, too.
I also like this book because it contains many life advices, the powerful ones. It taught me to keep the balance between head and heart, to punch life in the face (lol), and to not set our decision as stone because life's going on.
And one advice that strucks me right in the gut, always love your parents. Because like people saying, regret never happens in the beginning.
The Midnight Heir by Sarah Rees Brennan, Cassandra Clare

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It's thrilling to take a sneak to James Herondale's life! :)