rowdya22's reviews
137 reviews

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

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An interesting start to the series and a different way to write a book.
Seeress of Kell by David Eddings

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Finished the Malloreon today. While some parts of the series were slow, it was still a good read. I am glad that it has become part of my collection.
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

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Starting a rebellion against the Lord Ruler. Vin is forced to choose to life as she always has or to help make a better life for all.
The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson

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The world slowly is spinning out of control. The balance so carefully maintained for a thousand years is tipping in the direction of destruction. Can the new leaders of the final empire find a way to save it?
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

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Preservation and Ruin are at war and humanity is caught in the middle. Ruin seeks to take control and destroy the world but underestimates the power of Mistborn.