rowdya22's reviews
137 reviews

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

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This book wasn't what I was expecting. After reading the prologue I was expecting more of a battle. Finally after most of the book it happened. Over all I believe that this book will be like the prologue of the series with better things to come.
Storm Front by Jim Butcher

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Great introduction to Harry Dresden and his Chicago. What better way to explain magic than to have a wizard face off against a Warlock in a battle of wits and power.
The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson

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Allomancy mixed with Feruchemy? Awesome. Add in the fact that this book takes place 300 years later and you have a western where the possibilities are endless. Love how the original trilogy affected the future events.
Warheart by Terry Goodkind

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An interesting read but I don't think I will go back to it like I will the original series. It's like the author was tired of people asking for more from this amazing world he had built so he decided to kill everyone off. Also his writing quality went WAY down. So much forced exposition it made my head hurt. Half the book is characters explaining things to other people....glad it's over.
The Omen Machine by Terry Goodkind

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Well after the epic build up that reading the series gave me, simply put...I expected more. The new story line has potential but I dont think that Goodkind should have messed with his completed master peace. That being said...It was a heck of a cliff hanger and I cant wait for the next one.