rubeusbeaky's reviews
275 reviews

The Little Shop of Found Things by Paula Brackston

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CHARMING! That is the magic word for this book: charming. Maybe I'm a sucker for British-isms, and I know here and there were some usual rom-com tropes, but the author has finesse with her writing, and the characters were full and lovable. If Gilmore Girls were a ghost story it would be this book. Absolutely adored it <3.
My Plain Jane by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows

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This book is an absolute masterpiece!!! It's hilarious, it's emotional, it's a wonderful parody of Jane Eyre if you know the source material, /and also/ a delightful tale in its own right (someone unfamiliar to the Bronte sisters' writing would /not/ feel excluded!) The narration in particular, how it draws the reader in like we're sharing a piece of gossip, reminded me of the grandfather from "The Princess Bride", or the great Mr. Lemony Snicket: perfectly measured wit and insight. I also love how the three authors who collaborated on The Lady Janies series are rather like the Bronte sisters themselves, sharing their love of writing... So many layers in which to appreciate this book!!! <3
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

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This book is terrifying and raw. Some of the details read like a modern Gothic horror story, the linkage of death and sex, sickness and love... It's a twisted tale told by an unwell narrator. Poe would be proud.

Oddly, this story is a rare case of "I think the adaptation actually did it better." The book has A LOT of extraneous characters, and the mini-series is more streamlined in its storytelling. The extra characters in the book all seem to be a little flat: All blonde girls are popular and mean, and all brunettes or curvy girls grow up to serve them... Very strange how the book makes these sweeping statements about how EVERYONE is trapped into who they will grow up to be as of middle school/high school. But the main characters are complex, and their dynamics are both horrifying and electrifying. Any scene where Adora, Camille or Amma play off each other is storytelling gold.
Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin

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You would think the "heroes destined to be enemies, but instead they fall in love" setup would be tired by now, but this book is the exact opposite of "tired". The magic systems are fresh and interesting, the characters are human (both flawed and lovable), the plot has many twists and turns but the author takes time unfolding it all, pausing to build emotion and scenery... It's beautiful. It's romantic, in all senses of the word: nostalgic, yearning, steamy... And the switching POV is gripping, these two characters struggling with identity and compromise, it's a fable we all needed to hear. An absolutely un-put-down-able fairytale <3.
Morning Star by Pierce Brown

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I haven't wanted to scream (in joy, rage, and grief) or throw a book this much since Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I inhaled this book like the last breath you take before screaming down a rollercoaster. I feel immensely rewarded for sticking with this series. My heart is still in my throat, hours after finishing this book. Masterpiece!
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

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Indulgent in descriptions of nature and travel is about the only negative of this series. It's human, it's magical, it's timeless.
Crown of Coral and Pearl by Mara Rutherford

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DNF. I am on page 60 of 315, and /nothing/ is happening. The plot so far is, "I am pretty, but my sister is prettier. If only I were the prettiest." The point has been repeated an insufferable amount. The writing style is redundant and circuitous, like listening to an older relative tell a story they've told a hundred times before... Nothing is moving this story /forward/. At least, not at a gripping rate. I'm sure something happens eventually, but "eventually" is not enough of a promise for me to stick with this one :/.
Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly

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This book is a gem! The world-building is so thoughtful and fun, I loved all the little, fresh details which went into this book:
- Lava globes for lighting caves.
- Currensea being the punny name for money.
- Bioluminescent mermaids, and merpeople with crustacean bodies, camouflaged mermaids, freshwater mermaids dappled like river bottoms...
Don't want to spoil it all, there is plenty more to discover in reading it. But it's a real world, it's a world with customs, religions, multiple languages... It's full of depth, no pun intended XD.

I am not surprised that this was published by Disney, because it gives off those Magical Princess vibes, in the best way possible. It's a story about girl power and friendship, believing in yourself and encouraging others, all wrapped up in a magical system which relies on singing! I can't believe this series isn't a TV Series yet; I would absolutely watch an underwater fantasy opera.