saadamansayyed's reviews
34 reviews

Annalynn the Canadian Spy: Terrible Tissues by Shawn P.B. Robinson

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Disclaimer: I read this book because I was offered to download it in exchange for an honest review on

I'd like to rant this book, but you know what? This is one of the books I hate but won't rant about.

Let me show you.

The book is hilarious, childish and boring.

The book has so much of bad talk about the Norwegian and Canadian spies [which I dislike].

And the mystery? Just because they had nothing bigger to do.

The 'caaaaugggggh' part is hilarious.

The rest of the book is childish.

And the chase scene is boring.

Final thoughts:
A book I'd love to hate.
A Sanfranciscan Dream (A Dream, #1] by Saad Aman Sayyed

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Heyo Guys!

This is my debut book and did you know it.. plop! This is my debut.

I love it and waiting for heartbreaking 1* reviews.

A Step Through The Empty by H. E. Salian

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I Dn'fed this book; but what I noticed was excellent plot mixed with excessive swearing. I just can't recommend this one but worth a look.
Scholastic Yearbook 2020 by Compilation

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It's fine, it tries to be trendy, but it ain't.