sabrinahughes's reviews
829 reviews

Shadow Work: The Unpaid, Unseen Jobs That Fill Your Day by Craig Lambert

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
I expected this to be Marxist, but it felt like a nostalgic rant instead. The author’s sentimentalization of housework performed for no wages as “love” and better than wages for housework made me roll my eyes out of my head. 
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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I expected to like this more!
The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry by Bryan Sykes

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Really enjoyed this, though I skipped all but one of the speculative chapters.
PDA by PDAers: From Anxiety to Avoidance and Masking to Meltdowns by Sally Cat

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I didn’t read every chapter, only the ones that were discussions of PDA behaviors that I hadn’t recognized before. 

The format of the book is unusual but I completely understand why they author did it this way!
Case Histories by Kate Atkinson

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 58%.
Lost the thread a little in audio format. 
Jehovah's Witnesses—A Religion Based on the Occult and Spiritism by Tami Dickerson

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This book is well-researched and quotes from the old publications that have been made inaccessible by WTBTS—those with the kookiest and most apostate of former beliefs.

The author approaches the book from the viewpoint that Watchtower is actually disseminating teachings of false angels and that JWs need to be the recipients of fervent prayer to come around to true Christianity.