stunningly written with such complex and fully formed characters, this book was an unsettling and devastating look into trauma and family. rivers solomon is a fucking genius and this book made me sob.
beautifully, GORGEOUSLY written and by god is this shit depressing !!! i do kind of wish more happened cause i kept waiting for something big but also the book kind of slays in that regard cause it builds up that anticipation the whole time and then it just kind of stays there until the end with no real conclusion. loved the discomfort and the abrupt ending that gives you no closure, but i still wanted a little something more to happen. like gimme more freaky ghost shit next time ya know?
very well done and informative. devastating to hear the ways our planet is suffering but very hopeful about how many people want to keep her safe. not sure how i felt about the parts discussing AI in such a positive light, but i’ll give the author the benefit of just informing the reader of something that exists without delving into the specifics and morality.
this is one of the most horrifying and uncomfortable books i’ve read in a while. i need to go stare at a wall and sob for many hours now. colonialism and all its consequences are truly the most heinous things in this existence.