sambrumagin's reviews
230 reviews

Where You End by Abbott Kahler

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Am I biased because this takes place where I live and the author is from Norristown? Perhaps. But- this was a delicious read. Twisty, dark, and ominous, just the way a thriller should be. I loved being inside both Kat and Jude’s heads, and the author’s tone was perfect for this type of story. I’m excited to see the author’s other Fiction works.
Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit by Lyanda Lynn Haupt

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Though I did highlight some lines, if this were an audiobook, I would have listened to it at 2x speed after chapter 1.
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

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I don’t know that I will ever stop loving Feyre and this series.
Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Poranek

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This book was going to be a 4 star. It was so close. Until the ending.
You mean to tell me after all that we don’t get a semi-happy ending? Rubbish. Absolute rubbish. There is no need for that much suffering. I get it, dark fairytale and all, but the thing about fairytales is they are short enough you don’t love the characters .
Also, the YA part of this book read very YA to me. But besides all of that- a solid read.
The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer by Dan Buettner, Dan Buettner

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I think this was an interesting read taken with a groan of salt. I respect that the author points out the chance of correlation versus causation. Although not new information, it was an presented in an interesting way. I enjoy the setup of the book and the recipes included. I’ll be checking out the other Blue Zone books!
My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 48%.
DNF @ 48%….I got very tired of the constant slasher references . I totally get it was proving a point of how obsessive our character was about horror and slashers, but point proven. I would love to check out different works by this author, but this one was not for me. It could also be that I was switching between Kindle and Audio? IDK but I am on to something else.
My Darling Dreadful Thing by Johanna van Veen

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There were a lot of complex characters and storylines in this book, however, I think it dragged on too long to keep me hooked the entire time. 
Your Shadow Half Remains by Sunny Moraine

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This book was fine.
I thought the is she insane/ is she not worked well , but the romance, I mean that was…there.
I definitely enjoyed the ride, but I won’t be hopping on anything pandemic-related for at least 15 more years (if I can help it.)
The Age of Magical Overthinking: Notes on Modern Irrationality by Amanda Montell

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 49%.
DNF on Spotify track 11 for time being … may come back to , but I’m just not interested at the moment.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
DNF for now but will try to come back to in fall.