samdalefox's reviews
192 reviews

How to Save Our Planet: The Facts by Mark A Maslin

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hopeful informative medium-paced


I chose to read this as it was listed as a book that is written to be entry level accessible to people who don't know anything about the climate crisis and want to be adequately informed. I think in some ways the book acheived that aim, and in others it missed the mark. As someone who reads a lot around this subject, mostly I found it covered topics I was already familiar with so ulitamtely I was bored. However I enjoyed the utopia section, the exploration of types of denial ; Science Denial, Economic Denial, Humanitarian Denial, Political Denial, and the afterword. 

Big wins:
  • Ultimately, good as an introduction to the topic of climiate change, very simple. Reminds me a little like reading a children's encyclopedia in the first couple fo chapters.
  • The inclusion of tropical and temperature diseases development
  • The highlighting of disparity between the global north and global south
  • The advocacy of reducing consumption, circular economy, increasing community, and how to exercise power as a consumer
  • Government solutions (Chapter 8). This is arguable one of our greatest weapon against climate change and it it's a good chapter for most people who align politially centre-left/centre-right to read.

Big misses:
  • Omits some big players in the interconnected web of the climiate crisis, for example Maslin never mentions that the success of agriculture was due to the holocene. Without this critical information what he has stated is misleading at best and misinformation at worst.
  • The advocacy of using existing structures (e.g., corporate capitalism) to effect change now. This relevant, but not our strongest tactic/weapon. Corporate positive power is a little.girl boss-y, Maslin is naive as he refuses to admit this is not in capitalism's interest therefore will naturally have limited success. And critically;
  • Although Maslin openly criticises capitalism, "economics must focus on human wellbeing as the primary measure of success", he refuses to explicitly name the alternative systems i.e., socialism. 
  • sloph's review - "It wasn't so much, How to save our planet as much as Why, I feel like this book spent too much time on why it is important and not enough ways to actually provide a positive impact into changing things".

Tangerine by Christine Mangan

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adventurous tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


This is just a bad book all around. The praise quoted on the front of the book are all lies. This is an extremely poor imitation of genuinely good thrillers like 'The Talented Mr Ripley'. Poor writing, poor pacing, flat characters, and zero twists. Everything was obvious from the first chapter. I sped read the last third and only completed it because I was reading it on a plane. 

Also this would have been so much more compelling if it leaned more into Lucy and Alice having a genuine romantic relationship, rather than perpetuating the toxic trope of “all lesbians are bad and crazy and unhealthily obsessed with their female friends”.

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The Logic of Scientific Discovery by Karl Popper

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challenging informative medium-paced


This is one of those classic texts where you read it and know how important it is, but the language is hard to grasp. One where it's best to get the main concept from Wikipedia or Stanford's dictionary of philosophy before you dive in. Though I don't mean to say that there is nothing in the original text that you can't get elesewhere, no, I think there's important extra detail given in the book that's worth wading through to fully understand. I would say Chapters 1-5 are most important to take your time and read carefully, anything you take in after that may be beneficial but is not critical to understand.

The mian concept Popper is proposing in the book is 'deductive reasoning' (as opposed to the main practice at the time of 'inductive reasoning' by positivists). Popper proposes that all scientific experimentation should seek to falsify rather than verify a scientific statement. He argues that the concept of empirical science requires experience as a method, i.e., hinging on hypothesis testing, which can lead to more accurate and progressive scientific theories. Overall, his arguments are convincing and clearly changed the course of scientinfic practice during the 20th century. I cannot speak to the quality of his arguments and evidence post Chapter 5 because it became progressively harder to read and I don't believe I understand it fully. 

I'll be purchasing a copy to keep on my bookshelf for reference. I had to do an inter-library loan to get this copy, so I'll release it back into the library-system for others to enjoy. 
Das Römerzimmer ; Der Schneider von Osterwyk by August Winnig

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mysterious sad fast-paced


I am reading several 'Easy Readers' from A2-B1 level to help my German language progression. Both of these stories were short and fast paced. Several words were explained in the footnotes or in pictures, however there were several words I also needed to look up. It is easy enough to understand the stories from context. Considering how old this book is I was pleasantly surprised to see hardly any outdated words or phrases (that I'm aware of). 

Das Römerzimmer 3⭐ - my favourite, very quick surprise ending that I went 'Nooooo!' at.
Der Schneider von Osterwyk 2.75⭐- a bit dark for a children's story, slightly less easy to follow.

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Music & Silence by Rose Tremain

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reflective slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


This is not my usual genre. I don't typically read historical fiction, romance, or stories focussing upon monarchs. However, this was the next pick for one of my book clubs and I thought I'd try something new. I'm proud that I finished it, but I can't say that I enjoyed it, would read it again, or pick something else up from this genre again.

The book follows several characters set in and around the court of King Christian IV of Denmark during 1629-1630. Each chapter follows a different character, mostly set during the present, but in the case of King Christian sometimes in his past. It takes a few chapters to get used to this back and forth, but once you've figured out who all the characters are it's fine to follow along (I listened to this via audiobook during my commute hours). There is no central plot to speak of, just a meandering story of the various lives the charcters are leading. The themes are of love and relationships, the role of music, the role of women in society at the time, and rich vs poor.

The book is long and I can't say I found much of it interesting. However, if you like low stakes royal court politics and drama, this is a good book for you. You can read more interesting commentary from my book club conversation prompt questions and thoughts below:

THEMES (ideas) in the novel:

* MUSIC - it is the title of the book so must be important. What does it represent in the novel?
Christian loves it; Johnnie goes mad because of it; Kirsten ‘detests it’ …

* WOMEN’S ROLE - eg Kirsten compares women with slaves, owned as drudges or ornaments by fathers and husbands (in this way her conscience is ‘eased’ through her sexual exploitation of the slaves who are brought to court.)  Emilia is ‘enslaved’ to Kirsten too. Vibeke is ‘used’ to tempt Christian into his third marriage. To what extent is women’s power only related to their sexuality - or if older, their wealth? (eg Queen Sofie and Kirsten’s mother, Ellen Marsvin)

* DEATH  - George Middleton almost dies; Bror Brorson’s encounter with death as a boy and eventual death in battle; the sailors in the plague ship; Karen dying in childbirth…

* CHILDREN - Bror and young Christian; Karen’s children ‘taken over’ by Magdalena; poor Marcus; Johnnie’s frightened children; Kirsten’s 12 children she doesn’t like!
* MONEY - Queen Sofie and her precious gold ingots, Christian’s need for money; Kirsten’s love of gold; Charles 1 bailing out his nephew; poverty of the masses


* The poor button maker, whose gift to Christian leaves him obsessed with ‘shoddiness’
* The poverty of the peasants after the mine explodes and their preacher’s efforts to get help from Christian
* The poor woman who helps Kirsten when she goes into labour on her travels
* The poor man whose wife is in prison for borrowing some sheets who is trying to sell bits of rubbish outside his house when the King visits
* The Dowager Queen Sofie hoarding gold ingots that would help her son and his country. Why is she obsessed with keeping them hidden?
* Kirsten’s desire for gold and gifts
* Harsh treatment of the musicians having to play in the cellar (the poor hens too!)



1. Kirsten Munk, King Christian’s morganatic wife is a fascinating, strong, sexually empowered character. There is a lot of humour in Kirsten’s ‘private papers’ and the reader learns her innermost thoughts and secrets as she just turns 30. Did you sympathise with her, or like her, as a character? If you did, was there a point you lost sympathy and if so, where and why?

2. King Christian - good king or bad king? Very complex man. Longest serving monarch in Denmark’s history apparently. What does he decide to do with Charles !’s bail out money?!

3. Magdalena is a challenging character - she is another female character with a powerful sexuality. What did you think about her behaviour with her stepsons?  What does this tell us about women’s power (or lack of it) in society?

4. Peter Claire - believable? A bit one-dimensional?

5. Emilia - escaped Magdalena but abandoned Marcus. Rescuing the hen from the cellar - symbolic? Why is she so fond of Kirsten?

6. Many others eg Countess O’ Fingal and mad husband Johnnie;  Bror Brorson; Johann …who were you most interested in?


1. Kirsten and King Christian - 21 years older than her. He seems to adore her. Did she ever love him? Is she cruel or is her behaviour understandable?

2. Christian and Peter Claire - he confides in the lutenist about his love for Kirsten and the fact she no longer loves him. Why does he need a musician as a confidant?

3. Christian and Bror Brorson? Bror’s harsh treatment at school is upsetting to read. Christian ‘fights Death’ when Bror is dangerously ill and this creates a deep bond between them. How do you feel about how Christian later treats Bror, once he is crowned King? What is Bror’s purpose in the novel do you think?  Are there some similarities with Christian’s later relationship with Peter Claire?

4. Peter Claire and Emilia - in some ways the least interesting relationship in the book? Relevant that they’re fictional?

5. Emilia and Kirsten - genuine affection, or toxic dependency? (Or both!)

6. Johann and Magdalena - does he come good towards the end?

7. Marcus and Emilia - rescuing Marcus causes friction with Kirsten and Emilia realises it could mean she never gets married

8. Charlotte Claire and George Middleton - genuine love and affection? Why is this relationship in the novel?

9. Francesca and Johnnie O’ Fingal - what is their purpose in the novel?

There are three main sections but also various flashbacks to Christian’s boyhood and chapters follow the thoughts and experiences of different characters… did you enjoy these many narrative viewpoints or find the structure confusing?
Did you like the ending? It ends with Kirsten’s thoughts about music, men and her slaves. Why?


* Knitting being banned, so Christian’s mother knitted in secret on the island
* Keeping the baby Prince Christian in a sealed room for six weeks so the Devil could not steal his soul (disgusting descriptions of the Devil doing this!) 
* The musicians having to play in a dark, freezing cold cellar so the music would float ‘magically’ up through the trapdoor to the King and his visitors.
* The financial problems that befell Denmark due to costly wars and Christian’s efforts to make money with the disastrous silver mine & whaling projects. Charles 1 of England bailing him out at the expense of his own people (and we know he was executed in a revolution 19 years later!)
* The ‘plague ship’ - I wanted to know more about this!

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Critical: Why the NHS Is Being Betrayed and How We Can Fight for It by Dr Julia Grace Patterson

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informative medium-paced


This is a good book to give to older people and people who do not know much about the NHS or politics. I've bumped the score up to 3 to represent the value 'Critical' brings to these demographics. I think this is a good entry level book for people who are angry about the poor service they're receiving from the NHS, but their only source of information is the Daily Mail.

However, for me, this book was incredibly diappointing and underwhelming. On the second page of the book, Patterson states "This is not a history book about the NHS. It is also not a policy book, explaining the intricacies of every NHS reform. It's a book explaining where we are, how it has happened, and what needs to happen next". This issue is, in order to effectively explain those things, you need to include the relevant history and policy changes that brought us to where we are now and informs what needs to change. Patterson fails to do this convincingly. This needed to be a history and policy book.

Instead, what we have instead is a monstrously repetitive self-centered text which is abysmally sourced. Most references are to newspaper articles, and are just given as urls, no date accessed. And more importantly there are incredibly few primary sources cited such as legislation, policies, charity reports, or other relevant books such as 'The Care Crisis' by Emma Dowling. This is unacceptable from someone with a higher degree in STEM and her work subsequently stands as a flimsy bulwark against the vitriol and slogans of those seeking to privatise the NHS. If Patterson wanted to provide a credible, robust, convincing book, she merely had to follow the example set by Dowling.

Although certain landmark changes are mentioned (internal market place, PFI loans, private contracts, changes to nursing bursaires, changes to doctors' contracts, changes to consultants' pensions, integrated care boards (ICBs) The Health and Care Act 2022 etc.) none of these things are explicitly defined or sufficiently  explained. The reader knows that they are 'bad' but could not tell you why they are bad from reading this book. 

There was no general timeline of policy changes, no in depth explanation of what privatisation is or how it functions, generally no explanation of HOW things work, no detailed explanation and analysis, just broad conclusionary statements. The 'Solution' chapter was short and unimaginative. The whole book read like a call to action 'we've had enough!' but the depth of understanding was superficial. 

The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin

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adventurous challenging informative inspiring reflective medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


A masterpiece in every sense of the word. This is the very best of what scifi can be. Le Guin fused 'hard science' and 'soft science' elements with a healthy dose of philosophy, she gave us incising social commentary and yet the book still feels very accessible. I turned down an extraordinary amount of pages, the quotes section for this review will be long!

Of course I was always going to enjoy the anticapitalist leanings of the book, however I think the way the story is presented Le Guin's socio-political views will sucessfully reach a wider audience. The story follows Shevek, who comes from an established anarchist society an Anarres, to the capitalist society on Urras. Through following his personal journey and experiences of both economic cultures, Le Guin effectively highlights the positives and negatives of each system. Usually I dislike books that flip flop between two time periods, here every chapter alternates between the present day Shevek's story, and a chapter from his past on Anarres. I think this was a clever move from le Guin, to more roundly explore the anarchist culture and flesh out what his life there looked like. This is important because as readers we can already identify strongly with Urras, Le Guin is subtlety showing us what a viable alternative society could look like via Annares. Most people who aren't familair with the left think of democratic socialism or centralised communism as the only alternatives to capitalism, I think The Dispossessed's depiction of anarchism is incredibly important for education and imagination purposes.

Major themes are of the book are still relevant to today: profiteering vs the social organism, the possessive vs the collective, harmony and limitations of the environment, egoising vs individualism vs independent thought e.g., 'true' anarchism, gender roles, the role of language in society, the role of art, loyaly vs lonliness, concepts of time, diplomacy, prison abolition, the power of knowledge sharing, the tendancy towards power imbalance and gatekeeping (depicted as 'the wall' throughout the book). Perhaps the biggest one of all I've not seen many other reviews mention is the 'returning'. The books begins and ends with a rocket landing. Throughout the book Shevek contemplates the importance of 'the return'. I wonder through this story, what Ursula Le Guin hoped we as a species would return to?

Overall I felt seen by this book. I felt my views represented, challenged, and explored. I felt an affinity to a great many events described. It's a book I could give to my family and friends and say 'read this to better udnerstand me.' I also feel dispossessed.


"Is there really no distinction between men's work and women's work?". "Well no, it seems a very mechanical basis for the division of labour, doesn't it? A person chooses work according to interest, talent, strength - what has the sex to do with that?"

"She had always known that all lives are in common, rejoicing in her kinship to the fish in the tanks of her laboratories, seeking the experience of existences outside the human boundary."

"Suffering is a misunderstanding...A society can only relieve social suffering - unecessary suffering. The rest remains... all of us here are going to know grief; if we live fifty years, we'll have known pain for fifty year. And in the end we'll die. That's the condition we're born on... I wonder if it isn't all a misunderstanding - this grasping after happiness, this fear of pain... If instead of running from it one could get through it, go beyond it... It's the self that suffers, and there's a place where the self - ceases... I'm trying to say what I think brotherhood really is. It begins in shared pain."

"It was not that Abbenay was short of power, not with her wind turbines and the earth temperature-differential generators used for heating; but the principle of organic economy was too essential to the functioning of the society for it not to affect ethics and aesthetics profoundly. "Excess is excrement," Odo wrote in the Analogy. "Excrement retained in the body is a poison"."

""Do they expect students not to be anarchists?" he said. "What else can the young be> When you are on the bottom, you must organise from the bottom up!" He had no intention of being administered out of the course - he had fought this kind of battle before - and because he communicated his firmness to the students they held firm."

"They were superbly trained, these students... Their society maintained them in complete freedom from want, distraction, and cares. What they were free to do, however, was another question. Is appeared to Shevek that their freedom from obligation was in exact proportion to their lack of freedom of initiative."

"He had not been sheltered, and had no expectations of shelter, from whaterver cares and responsiblities came to him. He had not been free from anything: only free to do anything."

"He wasn't doing what he came here to do. It was not that they had cut him off, he told himself; it was that - as always - he had cut himself off from them. He was lonely, stifilingly lonely, among all the people he saw every day. The trouble was that he was not in touch - he felt that he had not touched anything, anyone, on Urras all these months."

"The Urrasti had taste, but it seemed to be in conflict with the impulse towards display - conspicuous expense. The natural, aesthetic origin of the desire to won things was concealed and perverted by economic and competitive compulsions, which in turn told on the quality of the things: all they acheived was a kind of mechanical lavishness."

"These Port managers, with their special knowledge and important position, tended to aquire a bureaucratic mentality: they said No automatically."

""What makes Sabul so strong?", "Not a power structure, a government - this isn't Urras, after all!". "No. We have no government, no laws, all right. But as far as I can see, ideas were never controlled by laws and governments, even on Urras. If they had been, how would Odo have worked on hers? How would Odoniansim have become a world movement? The archists tried to stamp it out by force, and failed. You can't crush ideas by surpressing them. You can only crush ideas by ignoring them. By refusing to think - refusing to change. And that's precisely what our society is doing! Sabul uses you where he can, and where he can't, he prevents you from publishing, from teaching, even from working. Right? In other words, he has power over you. Where does he get it from? Not from vested authority, there isn't any. He gets it from the innate cowardice of the average human mind. Public opinion! That's the power structure he's part of and knows how to use. The unadmitted, inadmissible government that rules the Odonian society by stifling the individual mind."

"What drives people crazy is trying to live outside of reality. Reality is terrible. It can kill you. Given time, it certainly will kill you. The reality is pain - you said that! But it's the lies, the evasion of reality, that drive you crazy. It's the lies that make you want to kill yourself."

"What's wrong with pleasure Takver? Why don't you want it?". "Nothing's wrong with it. And I do want it. Only I don't need it. And if I take what I don't need, I'll never get to what I do need." "What is it you need?"...."I need the bond," she said. "The real one. Body and mind and all the years of life. Nothing else. Nothing less."

"He assumed people would be helpful. He trusted them. But Chifolisk's warnings, which he had tried to dismiss, kept returning to him. His own perceptions and instincts reinforced them. Like it or not, he must learn distrust. He must be silent; he must keep his property to himself; he must keep his bargaining power."

"I am thinking like...a damned propertarian. As if deserving meant anything. As if one could earn beauty, or life!."

"But it's true, chronosophy does invovle ethics. Because our sense of time involves our ability to separate cause and effect, means and end. The baby, again, the animal, they don't see the difference between whta they do now and what will happen because of it. They can't make a pulley or a promise. We can. Seeing the difference between now and not now, we can make the connection. And there morality enters in. Responsibility...If time and reason are functions of each other, if we are creatures of time, then we had better know it, and try to make the best of it. To act responsibly."

"Rationing was strict; labour drafts were imperative. The struggle to grow enough food and to get the food distributed became convulsive, desperate. Yet people were not desperate at all. Odo wrote "A child free from the guilt of ownership and the burden of economic competition will grow up with the will to do what needs doing and the capacity for joy in doing it. It is useless work that darkens the heart. The delight in the nursing mother, of the scholar, of the successful hunter, of the good cook, of the skilful maker, of anyone doing needed work and doing it well, - this durable joy is perhaps the deepest source of human affection and sociality as a whole." There was an undercurrent of joy, in that sense, in Abbenay that summer. There was a lightheartedness at work however hard the work, a readiness to drop all care as soon as what could be done has been done. The old tag of 'solidarity' had come alive again. There is exhiliration in finding that the bond is stronger, after all, that all that tries the bond."

"It was easy to share when there was enough, even barely enough, to go round. But when there was not enough? Then force entered in; might making right; power, and its tool violence, and its most devoted ally, the averted eye."

"The dignity and beauty of the room he and Efor were in was as real as the squalor to which Efor was native. To him, a thinking man's job was not to deny one reality at the expense of the other, but to include and connect. It was not an easy job."

"I wonder if you fully understand why they're kept you so well hidden out there at Ieu Eun, Dr Shevek. Why you were never allowed to appear at any meeting open to the public. Why they'll be after you like dogs after a rabbit the moment they find you're gone. It's not just because they want this idea of yours. But because you are an idea. A dangerous one. The idea of anarchism, made flesh. Walking amongst us."

"Justice is not acheived by force. And power is not acheived by passivity. Only peace brings peace, only just acts bring justice. We cannot be divided on that on the eve of action."

"I am here because you see in me the promise, the promise that we made over two hundred years ago in this city - the promise kept. We have kept it, on Anarres. We have nothing but our freedom. We have nothing to give you but your own freedom. We have no law but the single principle of mutal aid between individuals. We have no government but the single single principle of free association. We have no states, no nations, no presidents, no premiers, no charity, no police, no soldiers, no wars. Nor do we have much else. We are sharers, not owners. We are not prosperous. None of us is rich. None of us is powerful. If it is Anarres you want, if it is the future you seek, then I tell you that you must come to it with empty hands. You must come to it alone, and naked, as the child comes into the world, into his future, without any past, without any property, wholly dependent on other people for his life. You cannot take what you have not given, and you must give yourself. You cannot buy the Revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere."

"I don't know if it's right to count people like you count numbers. But then, what do you do? Which ones do you kill?"."The second year I was in Elbow, I was a worklister, the mill syndicate cut rations. People doing six hours in the plant got full rations - just barely enough for that kind of work. People of half time got three-quarter rations. If they were too sick or too weak to work, they got half. On half rations you couldn't get well. You couldn't get back to work. You might stay alive. I was supposed to put people on half rations, people that were already sick. I was working full time, eight, ten, hours sometimes, desk work, so I got full rations: I earned them. I earned them by making lists of who should starve." The man's light eyes looked ahead into the dry light. "Like you said, I was to count people.". "You quit?". "Yes, I quit. Went to Grand Valley. But somebody else took over the lists at the mills in Elbow. There's always somebody willing to make lists."

""He was too frightened". "Of what? I don't understand." "Of me. Of everybody. Of the social organism, the human race, the brotherhood that rejected him. When a man feels himself alone against all the rest, he might well be frightened.""

"Loyalty, which asserts the continuity of past and future, binding time into a whole, is the root of human strength; there is no good to be done without it."

""Is that clear enough for you?"."Clear, no; plain, yes. Plain as a fart," said Bedap. "Clarity is a function of thought. You should learn some Odonianism before you speak here.""

"What we're after is to remind ourselves that we didn't come to Anarres for safety, but for freedom. If we all must agree, all work together, we're no better than a machine. If an individual can't work in solidarity with his fellows, it's his duty to work alone. His duty and his right. We have been denying people that right. We've been saying, more and more often, you must work with others, we must accept the rule of the majority. But any rule is tyranny. The duty of the individual is to accept no rule, to be the initiator of his own acts, to be responsible. Only if he does so will society live, and change, and adapt, and survive. We are not the subjects of a State founded upon law, but members of a society founded upon a revolution. Revolution is our obligation: our hope of evolution. The Revolution is in the individual spirit, or it is nowhere. It is for all, or it is nothing. If it is seen as having any kind of end, it will never truly begin."

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The End of Nature by Bill McKibben

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informative reflective sad medium-paced


I included 'The End of Nature' as part of my climate change reading since it's largely referred to as the first book on global warming written for a general audience. I thought it would be insteresting and important to see what that looked like. In summary, the forward from the 2005 edition is by far the best part. The content of the original varies wildly in tone and quality. I concur with others' main criticisms however, I think there is still value in reading it to get a sense of the philosophy McKibben's is attempting to describe.

  • Although we only get it in dribs and drabs, I believe McKibben is actually trying to articulate an important philosophical aspect to our relationship with nature and the changing 'character' of nature. I've provided some quotes that attempt to illustrate this below. This philosophical attempt was definitely novel for that time. To be discussing anthropocentric vs deep ecology views in 1989 was surprising to me, and also disappointing to think how little progress we've made culturally since. 
  • He never says the words explicitly, but his critcisms are implicitly anti-capitalist. 
  • Many of his suggestions to mitigate the worst effects of warming are still applicable today: - reduce animal agriculture, reduce car culture, rewilding over genetic and geoengineering, population control, and have been further developed. 

  • The science described/explained in the book is almost entirely outdated now. We have crossed thresholds, discovered new tipping points, developed new models of understanding climate change, and even solved the ozone hole and acid rain problems! It is interesting from a historical point of view, but unecessary to read for people new to climate change science, I advise these people to read more modern works to get more up to date science. 
  • The constant reference to Christian God was offputting. I did find the theology chapter genuinely interesting, though not well thought through and argued, and I believe the author would have made a stronger argument if he had kept his religious references to this chapter. Through a modern lens it screamed dated white christian male western centric. A complete 180 in tone from reading The Red Deal, 2021. 
  • Often repetitive, needed a stronger editor.
  • Strays into the doom-there-is-nothing-we-can-do territory a little too often for my liking. However, his views are entirely justified considering the magnitude of the dilemma. At the time of original publishing I imagine this was an attempt to try and inform people of the severity in the expectation they would take action.


"By the end of nature, I don't mean the end of the world.  The rain will still fall and the sun shine, though differently than before. When I say nature, I mean a certain set of human ideas about the world and our place in it. But the death of those ideas begins with concrete changes in the reality around us. Changes that scientists can measure and enumerate. More and more frequently these changes will clash with our perceptions until finally our sense of nature as eternal and separate is washed away. And we will see all too clearly what we have done." 

"For the first time the people doing the polluting were at some remove from the pollution. In such a situation the usual environmental ideas don't work because the problem is outside our normal way of thinking" 

"So there is a sadness if losing something we have begun to fight for. And the added sadness or shame of realising how much more we could have done. A sadness that shades into self loathing. We, all of us in the first world, have participated in something of a binge. A half century of unbelievable prosperity and ease. We may have some intuition that is was a binge, and the earth couldn't support it, but aside from the easy things; biodegradable detergent, slightly smaller cars, we didn't do much. We didn't turn our lives around to prevent it. Our sadness is almost an aesthetic response. Appropriate because we have marred a great profilgate work of art. Taken a hammer to the most perfectly proportioned of sculptures." 

"The greenhouse effect is a more apt name than those who coined it imagined. The carbon dioxide and trace gases act like panes on a glass greenhouse. The analogy is accurate, but it's more than that. We have built a greenhouse, a human creation, where once there bloomed a sweet and wild garden."

"Simply because it bears our mark, doesn't mean we can control it. This new nature may not be predictably violent. It won't be predictably anything, and therefore it will take us a very long time to work out our relationship with it, if we ever do. The salient characteristic of this new nature is it's unpredictability. Just as the salient feature of the old nature was it's utter dependability".

"The most obvious alternative action, international government action, will be almost as difficult. For any program to be a success, we must act not only as individuals and as nations, but as a community of nations. Unless all act together, the world watch institute warned, there is little reason to act separately."

"It might be a good way to describe a philosophy that is the opposite of the defiant consumptive course we've traditionally followed. What would it mean to our ways of life, our demographics, economics, our output of carbon dioxide and methane, if we began to truly and viscerally think of ourselves of just one species among many."

"Wendell Berry once argued that without a fascination at the wonder of the natural world, the engery needed for it's preservation will never be developed. That there must be a mystique of the rain if we are ever to restore the purity of the rainfall."

How to Find Love by The School of Life

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informative reflective fast-paced


Better than I thought it was going to be. I read this in an hour or so as it was part of my hotel's decor. It's simplistic but concise. I think paired with 'Attached' by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller is gives a pretty succint overview of how to approach modern romantic relationships.
Dante and the Lobster by Samuel Beckett

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lighthearted fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


I love short stories and I love Samuel Beckett's plays. Upon first reading however, I did not enjoy Dante and the Lobster. However, I found the following paper "Nonhuman Animal Pain and Capital Punishment in Beckett’s “Dante and the Lobster"" (Ebury, K 2017) which added some important context around Irish post-colonial history and Christian allegorical aspects that helped me understand what Beckett may have been going for here. 

Overall, I didn't laugh at the dark surrealist humour like I usually would, and found the story honestly a bit boring. Even with my new found appreciation of Irish history with respect to capital punishment and animal pain, I don't think the short story was powerful enough to have clear commentary on the matter.

Link to the paper:

Link to a freely accessible copy of the short story:

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