samharnold's reviews
1102 reviews

The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen

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If like me you are addicted to the new American TV drama Rizolli and Isles then this is the book for you. Intrigued to see where it all started I decided to read the first in the series. This book is exactly the beginning of the story and although linked to the show by no way depicts stories that you have seen in the show instead enhancing them.

The book features tough cop Rizolli and her relationship with her partner Thomas Moore her first partner. It gives you an insight into her character and how hard she found it to advance in the police force. However fans of the TV maybe disappointed to know that there is no mention of Laura Isles as of yet she does not feature until the second book in the series.

On its own merit though this book is an excellent read, a page turner that keeps you hooked until the last page, even though as a fan of the series you think you know where it will end. A brilliant crime novel which has left me eager to read the second in the series now and take these characters further
Push by Sapphire

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Having just finished this book it is hard to know where to start. This is one of those books that stays with you for days after you have finished reading it. I think I will be taking Precious around with me for quite a while. This is a story about abuse and poverty, but more than that this is a story about the human spirit and the will to survive. At first the dialect in the book might put some readers off, the book is written as Precious speaks. Ignore that and work through the story so that Precious can tell you the story of her life.
Inkspell by Cornelia Funke

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Sequels are meant to be poor in comparison to the first this is not. The normal characters exist in the book such as Dustfinger, Mo and Meggie but also introduces us to some new just as dynamic characters. Some are just a villainous as the ones in the first book, some characters are just as endearing.

This book like the first deals with the fantasy world of Inkworld but this time from the prospective of being in the world. This was a brilliant book that I couldn’t get enough of, which is just as well as it is the second in a trilogy

There is only thing better than finishing a good book, is the apprehension of the next one.
The Passage by Justin Cronin

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I reviewed this book a couple of months ago and although I was not too negative I wasn’t too positive either. Enter into my life my kindle and now I have nothing but positive to say. This is the first time I have been put of my the physicality of a book. In paper version it is a huge affair which is over 1000 pages long and weighs close to 1kg. Not easy to hold let alone read. However on the kindle you can read the book with ease and enjoy it

And enjoy it I did what a wonderful story that winds it’s way through past a future worlds. The joy of the future travellers finding things they couldn’t explain and then knowing that. It was something simple like deodorant is a thrill. The characters track across the USA however the writing is so good that even if you haven’t heard of America it wouldn’t stop you loving the book

This is simply awesome and I can’t wait for the second edition of the trilogy. I was wrong before this is simply a classic of the future.
Heist: The True Story of the World's Biggest Cash Robbery by Howard Sounes

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I was first attracted to this book because the robbery happened where I grew up. Not to mention that £1.3 million was sat a couple of hundred yards from my house in a white van at the Ashford International Hotel. I have lost count of how many times I must have driven past that van on the day it was dumped there.

This true story is written in an easy way, even the long legal cases are written in a manner that is easy to read. The author has a talent for telling a story whilst still giving the facts collected. On the areas of the case that are still “grey areas” the author gives the facts and allows the reader to make their own opinions. What is better than reading a crime novel that leaves you still to answer questions.

I thought I knew a lot about this case being so close in proximity to where it occurred but this book has given me even more facts. On the questions of the conspirators that were acquitted of the charges I have made my own opinions about them, as you will.

I thoroughly good read which leaves just one big question unanswered, just where is the other half of all that money that no one has found.
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

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Cornelia Funke started her career as an illustrator of books and this is evident throughout. At the end of every chapter there is a beautiful picture, you almost can’t wait to get to the end of every chapter to see the illustration. As exciting as the end of every chapter is, the start is just as fascinating where the author has put a quote from another story. My wish list to read has increased greatly with adding these books to my collection.

The book is not only an excellent read, it is also a good book to hold and read with its look, size and feel. Not many of the books I read are then added to my “own in hardback collection” but this book is so good it is on the list as well as the two sequels. This book is one of a trilogy although the first is also a standalone book which is probably why it made such an excellent film.

In essence this is a children’s book but like other famous books such as Harry Potter it reaches across the age ranges. Unlike all children’s books not all aspects of this book are happy and it deals with the negative and black side of the human psyche as well, although, the ending will not disappoint. The story is fascinating, with enough excellent interesting characters to make you want to pick up the sequels. This book is simply awesome.

Some books you enjoy reading to the end no matter where you are. Some books need to be savoured like a fine wine. When you don’t want to finish a book if you are tired incase you miss something you know you have a classic on your hands.
Passenger 13 by Scott Mariani

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As I work my way through books I normally make notes in order to enlighten you all as to what the book is about. The first thing to say is that during this book I made none. However, this does not mean that the book was bad. In all honestly the book was well written and thoroughly enjoyable. The action is quick paced and engaging. If you like the Ben Hope series of books then you will love this prequel to the series. A good quick read. Only available on kindle I am afraid.
The Janus Stone by Elly Griffiths

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This book is the second from this author and as good as the first. It seems to start by dealing with the common theme of abuse in the catholic church, but you soon discover it is so much more. The best feature of this book is it appears to pick up right where the first one left off. Unlike some sequels where the characters have advanced years this is a matter of weeks. At the beginning there are hints to what happened in the first and you almost feel like you have a secret if you have read the first from those who haven't. Having said this you can easily read this as a stand alone novel. I simply love the mix this author uses of historical facts mixed with up to date references to popular culture. A brilliant second novel from this author.

The Apprentice by Tess Gerritsen

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This book is the second in the Rizzoli and Isles series. The book is as well written as the first, however, I did not find it quite so enjoyable. I believe this maybe due to the fact that I have watched the series so knew the story very well. Some of the surprises and twists that kept me entertained in the first book were not evident in the second due to knowing the story so well.

This is a good read for fans of both the series and the author.
Step on a Crack by James Patterson

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>Michael Bennett is a homicide detective in the force who has ten children and his wife is dying of terminal character.  Police detective, kids and no wife I though hello Patterson has written another Alex Cross novel here and packaged him under another name.

The similarities are evident throughout the novel however the story is very different.  The first book is about a hostage situation that Bennett is asked to consult and work on.  Patterson once again has produced an amazing page turner which you just have to finish.  The main character although has similarity to Alex Cross is a different person with different characteristics that are well written.  His family is mentioned in the book and there is lots of room for developing their characteristics throughout future novels.  If you like Patterson novels that do not tax the brain but are easy readers then this is another excellent novel for you, a beach book as I call it.