samtastic27's reviews
312 reviews

Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik

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great book...hilarious in parts and heart breaking in others...
The Shack by Wm. Paul Young

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This can be a life changing book for some people....there has been some controversy over the content...but for those of us sound in our is a very moving perception of a true relationship with God.
Blue Moon by Luanne Rice

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This was ok book...great story about family.
Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner

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This book was not what I was very hard to get into and I kept thinking, keep has to get better. After halfway through, the book starts to pick up and gets much better. I ended up liking this book and felt that the moral of the story was something to think about. You never know what someone else's life is like unless you've walked a mile in their shoes!
Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner

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This turned out to be a great book. It was hard to get into (just like "Good in Bed") but I enjoyed reading it. Cannie is hilarious and the situations that she faces with her daughter are classic. I loved her sarcasm.
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

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This was my least favorite of the (4) books in the Twilight series
This Side of Heaven by Karen Kingsbury

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Good Book.....with a Happy Ending
Miss Fortune by Julia London

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Hilarious and just a good ole chic book with great romance.....every girl has felt like Rachel at least once in her life.