sannareads's reviews
605 reviews

The Assassin and the Healer by Sarah J. Maas

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Re-read 2018.
This might be one of my favorite novels from "The Assasin's Blade". In the first part (The Assasin and the Pirate Lord) we get so see a soft side of Celaena when she saves the slaves along with Sam and in this book we once again get to see that sweet side of her.
I love fierce and badass Celaena but it's nice to see her soft and kind side as well.
Also I have to say that I LOVE Yrene, can't wait to read more about her in "Tower of Dawn".
The Assassin and the Desert by Sarah J. Maas

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Re-read 2018:
The twist in Celaena’s and Ansel’s friendship gets me every time. A part of me wish that Ansel didn’t turn out to be “evil” but another part of me likes the way it portrays how differently she handled her sorrow compared to Celaena. Does that make sense? Probably not.

Either way this is a great novel and I definitely recommend it.
The Assassin and the Underworld by Sarah J. Maas

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Re-Read 2018.
This is probably the most action filled part of “The Assasin’s Blade”. I believe that it’s also one of my favorites. The fact that this is the novel when Celaena and Sam finally gets together has a big part of it byt I also love that it’s impossible to stop reading this novel.
Just like the previous parts/novels I recommend this as well!
The Assassin and the Empire by Sarah J. Maas

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Re-Read 2018.
This novella got me feeling all the feels as strongly as the first time. The way Sarah J.Maas explains the feeling of losing someone really breaks my heart and portrays the heartbreak perfectly.
Sam’s death might be the saddest book death ever, it’s just not fair that a precious soul like he dies.
Obviously I recommend this book, but I feel like you guys already understood that.
The Root Queen's Dream by Lattjo

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This was a cute read! 😊
It’s obviously more for children but it was really sweet.
Tretton dagar med John C by Jojo Moyes

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I wish I could say that I loved this because I’m a fan of Moyes and really enjoy her writing. Sadly this novel wasn’t my cup of tea. ☕️ ❤️
Näktergalen och rosen & Lady Alroy by Oscar Wilde, Rune Olausson

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This was a great read! I feel like it’s two short stories that makes you think a lot and perhaps the amount of stars I gave will change after I’ve thought about these novels for a while.
I really enjoyed Wilde’s writing style. ✍🏼
Tu tu tu! by Astrid Lindgren

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Such a sweet story with some mythology that really brings the novel to life! ❤️