The way the main characters think of society at the start is really weird and cliché, and the end makes no sense, why make it mysterious like that? If he's really the son, would he run away?
Point de vue d'un chasseur, impossible de savoir si le livre essaye d'avoir un propos sur la masculinité toxique dans ce milieu ou pas parce qu'il ne va nulle part et ne se prononce qu'à moitié. Le personnage principale est un macho aui vit dans un milieu de machos, mais attention, il est un peu plus gentil que les autres, alors ça va. Ça rend le propos du livre extrêmement confus. Pareil, la possible histoire d'homosexualité ne va pas jusqu'au bout et rend donc le propos creux. J'ai aussi été horrifiée par le passage sur la soit disant prostituée "folle" qui en fait n'a pas les capacités pour consentir et se fait donc violer mais attention elle est payée donc ça va?
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I really liked this book. A lot of people said the main mystery took too long to start, but to me it's not the center of the story, it's how the main character goes from a privileged insufferable brat to someone that doesn't have that, and he has to learn to live with that and the fact that people around him didn't have as much luck and privilege.
Great concept and story, and has a lot of lore that was under utilised in my opinion.
A lot of things could have been explained in more details because the plot is almost Black Mirror-esque but the main character never reacts to how fucked up what he's living through is.
It's heavily implied he has been stuck in a loop for a a few decades and he's not even shocked by that revelation, come on.
The main part which is the mystery was great and I liked the back and forth in the timeline which kept things more interesting.
As others said, it would have been better without the fatphobia and the rapey character.