sarahnink's reviews
125 reviews

The Night Swim by Megan Goldin

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This may be one of the best murder mysteries I’ve ever read. Gripping and harrowing. A page turner from cover to cover.
This book is such a great look into the justice system and its views on sexual assault.
If I have to nitpick, I didn’t love the jumping back and forth but I got used to it quickly.
Dark Corners by Megan Goldin

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This book had wayyyyy too many plot twists and characters. It got really confusing and convoluted. The main plot was really interesting but I didn’t like the other plots.
The Escape Room by Megan Goldin

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My favorite Megan Goldin of the three I’ve read. Never thought investment banking would be so fascinating
The Last Flight by Julie Clark

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I would’ve rated this book 5 stars if it were just Claire’s story. Eva’ chapters just bored me and I was waiting for a plot twist with her that just wasn’t there. Still really enjoyed this book though