sarak18's reviews
57 reviews

Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle

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I like this book and have been meaning to re-read it since High School. I enjoyed the winter theme and the teens going on a crazy adventure to a Waffle House. (At the time I didn’t know what the inside of a Waffle House looked like so I imagined that it looked like our local Arby’s)

Re-reading it as an adult was an interesting experience. I still love the adventure but I didn’t connect with the teens as much. It’s probably because I have grown up since then. I don’t remember the final story as much and didn’t realize that it was about a selfish girl learning to stop being selfish.

Overall it was a good cozy read for winter, and I hope to re-read it again in a couple of years when I inevitably forget the plot once more.

**Please ignore that I wrote this review a month after finishing the book lol**
Unbroken Bonds by J. Bree

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This book was a great read. I came into this series for the smut and sassy characters. I came out of this series with hope and love for the world that J Bree has created.

So thank you J, for the journey of a lifetime.

(BTW I finished all 6 books in three months it was THAT good.)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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I read this book for my book club and didn't start reading it until the week before our meeting. I regret not reading it sooner. It took me 3 days to read. Very hard to put down when you get into it. 

Evelyn Hugo had an interesting life. Fame, beauty, love and heartbreak. But most of all, deals. Evelyn was a big fan of the law of equivalent exchange. 

Overall this was a great read. Evelyn showed us the good, the bad, and the ugly of being famous and gay.
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

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I haven't read a book with an unreliable narrator yet, and this one took me by surprise. Today I started reading at 32% and I plowed through the rest. I really enjoyed the way the author spoke about trauma and therapy, despite it coming from a bad therapist.
Dungeon Critters by Sara Goetter, Natalie Riess

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I found this book while working a shift at the library. I ADORED the buff snake on the cover and needed to learn more about him. This was a very cute book. I liked the fantasy setting and the art style. And I look forward to learning more about Goro (buff snake) in the future.
